Chapter 18

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Shadow Leaves sighed as he padded into the open moor to get heather nectar for Autumn Leaves' 'bitter borage' as she called it. The black-patched tom hoped that he would run into Evening Drop but at the same time he didn't. Shadow Leaves wanted to see Evening Drop because he loved her but he didn't want to see her because when she left, his heart would break again. Shadow Leaves picked some heather nectar and, lucky for him, no WindClan cats were around.

. . .

When Shadow Leaves returned he wrapped cobwebs around Ginger River's paw because he had cut in on a stone.

"I taught you well," Ginger River murmured.

Not well enough, Shadow Leaves thought but didn't say out loud. You never taught me how to not love.

"I'm glad you were my apprentice," Ginger River mewed. "You have the true heart of a medicine cat. I couldn't ask for a better apprentice."

Maybe you would have been a better mentor if you didn't abandoned your duties for love, Shadow Leaves snapped in his head. I was going to do that too but it isn't the same!

Shadow Leaves sent Ginger River to his nest to rest and Ginger River did so. Shadow Leaves sighed as he gave his pregnant sister a piece of prey with the 'bitter borage' and heather nectar in it. Autumn Leaves ate it and said it tasted much better than yesterday's herbs.

"I need to check you every day, Autumn Leaves," Shadow Leaves instructed. "And don't eat anything bad."

"I know, Shadow Leaves," Autumn Leaves retorted. "I know you're medicine cat but you don't need to be so bossy!"

"It's my job, and I can't change it." Nope, I can't but I wish I could.

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