Chapter 11

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Evening Drop stared at panic, Heart Willow was having Ginger River's kits!

"Come on, Heart Willow, you can do it," Ginger River urged.

"I'm trying..." Heart Willow gasped for breath. "But it's hard!"

"I know it's hard but when you're done, we'll have beautiful kits of TunnelClan! Trust me, it'll be worth it."

"Okay, I believe you, Ginger--- ow!" Heart Willow shrieked as the first kit was coming out.

"Just relax. Evening Drop, can you get some wet moss for Heart Willow, please?"

"Sure, Ginger River," Evening Drop whispered and dashed off.

Evening Drop knew the only place to get moss was the river that bordered WindClan and ThunderClan territory. The pale brown-patched she-cat gulped as she knew it was dangerous, but she had to do it for her Tunnelmate!

. . .

Once Evening Drop got to the river, she was quite thirsty. When she was drinking the river-water, she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Halt, trespasser!" it was Tunnelpaw.

Evening Drop turned around. "Nice to see you again, Tunnelpaw, you never visit us in the tunnels."

"Eveningpaw? You're alive! And I'm Tunnelrunner now!"

"I'm Evening Drop, I'm a sharpclaw in TunnelClan now."

"But how could you leave? I thought WindClan was everything to you... and Pigeonwing and Echodawn never said that you were in TunnelClan."

"What? I may be hunting every time they're in the tunnels but surely Fallen Path would've mentioned me?"


Evening Drop felt heart-broken, her leader didn't tell her father that she was living in his Clan.

"Just tell our family that I'm alive, okay? No cat else."

"Sure, sister," Tunnelrunner dipped his head. "But why are you here?"

"Heart Willow was giving birth and Ginger River needed me to get moss."

"Fine, take the moss. Just go before a patrol comes, I'll deal with your scent."

Evening Drop gathered some wet moss and carried it in her mouth back to the tunnels.

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