Chapter 3 Out with the old-in with the new

Comenzar desde el principio

Now, I asked for complete honesty, candor, thoughts from you and that's what you gave me last night .  I will now do the same for you, complete honesty, candor and thoughts from myself  no secrets or deception. You said you have never spoken to the owner of this ranch, that's not  completely true, you have but you did not know it at the time.


Dwight Garnett, Esquire

CEO & Sole  Proprietor

"Crossroads Lodge and Guest Ranch"

I took a few deep breathes then looked up as Dwight looked into my eyes waiting for any response from me.  He stood up, holding his hand out as I placed mine in his, he gently rubbed his thumb over my palm saying as we held each others eyes " Please walk with me Kandi, I know you have questions and I have things I need to say to you." I hesitated when Dwight  smiled saying " Everyone here now knows who I am Kandi okay, this morning I talked to each one of the employees here and  I am really surprised Carrie didn't give you any hints when she gave you the envelope." I shook my head no making him chuckle, placing his palm on my back leading me out into the lobby stopping and telling Carrie we would be right back, she smirked to me saying " Sorry boss, he asked us not to say anything to you." I chuckled replying " You miss  owe me now."

We  all chuckled as he nodded to them, opened the front doors  and then leaned against the banister after we walked out. I leaned against a main beam asking " Why not let us know before now sir?" He chuckled turning to me softly moving a piece of my hair behind my ear as I shivered from his touch saying " Hmm back to sir again, Kandi  please, you make me feel old using that term." I smiled as he continued sighing "I find it the best way just to observe my managers, as  the management company hires them, so I'm just a normal guest to them. I see their regular routine, normal attitude, work ethics, all the truths. You have to admit when an owner shows people change behavior, so this way I see how things actually are run. It did surprise me that Alec didn't remember me from three years ago when I came to find just how the past manager was ruining this ranch." I nodded to him when he stepped closer softly saying against my neck " Now as to what happened last night." I looked down sighing " I  only reget the anger and tone Dwight but not to words, I stand by what I said whatever the consequences will be."

He raised my chin looking into my eyes then leaned in brushing his lips against mine softly letting out a low growl saying " God Kandi, I owe you so much, not just because of what you stand for, believe in and have done here. You miss have captured my heart and even though you stated no business with pleasure, which I completely agree with by the way, I am not just a guest here. Yes I did hear you and Alec talking, let me knock down that wall around your heart, take a second chance on love Kandi, take a chance with me. I want and need you more for selfish reasons than for the ranch." He leaned in more deepening the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck, he pulled me in holding me tighter against his body and I felt the warmth from him, the passion before he pulled back  for a breathe. I whispered "  Dwight, god that's good, but  I need to know, feel without a doubt  you wouldn't hurt me and that takes time no matter how good this feels and wow ." He chuckled kissing my neck as I let out a soft moan  feeling him smile against my skin nibbling my ear lobe causing another soft moan to escape my lips then he looked  deeply into my eyes as I  then kissed him licking his lip making him moan allowing our tongues to touch getting lost together.

We heard someone clear their throat as we both smiled then turned seeing Alec smirking when he said"  Boss , Vick is here and would like to talk with you but I could tell him your umm in a meeting right now." Dwight chuckled  nodding yes as I slapped his arm saying" Thanks Alec, let him know I will be right there." Alec winked to Dwight then tipped his hat to me chuckling as he walked away. " What?" Dwight playfully said as I chuckled " Do not entice my wranglers to lie, even a small white one or all you will ever here is sir from me understand?" Dwight smirked nodding saying " Yes ma'am, mind if I come along?" I chuckled "Well  don't know, can you behave as I have a ranch to run and I hear the owner is a hard ass." He growled  gently slapping my ass saying " Yes I can behave  Kandi." I smiled as we both walked to the stables when he gently took my hand making me blush and he chuckled at me.

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