Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

                "Ooh, someone's drank too much tonight," a bubbly voice from behind me called.

                "Are we talking about me, or you?" I turned to find Averley's best friend standing there, a knowing grin on her face.

                "Probably both," I couldn't help but give her a quick smile back.

                "Listen," she gently grabbed hold of my elbow and led me a short distance to a quieter location, "Ava told me what happened."

                "So," I huffed, now annoyed at the situation I allowed myself to get pulled into - literally.

                "So, she's upset with everything. Tonight. The other day. She's worried about you, and quite frankly she is going out of her mind. The only thing she'll talk about is you; the rest of the time she's quiet and broody," Zoey huffed.

                "I repeat - so?" I rolled my eyes at her.

                "So, you jackass, you have to fix this. She has done nothing wrong-" I cut her off.

                "Nothing wrong? Seriously? She left me to hang out with you and him. I defended her against him. I took her out and she left me to take a call and possibly rekindle with him. Don't tell me she's done nothing wrong, because in the past few years she has done nothing right by me," I countered.

                "Fine, she's not been the greatest friend to you lately. I get that, okay. But do you think that justifies your behaviour. You know she always told me that you were the best person she has ever met. Always so patient and kind, no matter what. Look at yourself, Daniel, are you happy?" her brow creased in concern.

                "Leave me alone," I whispered, knowing that above all else, she was right. That I had slipped into someone new; someone uncaring.

                "Daniel," Zoey's voice was gentle, "she loves you, you know?"

                "I don't think so," I could feel my eyes begin to sting with unreleased tears.

                "Daniel, please. This isn't you," she pleaded, trying to take the bottle of Jack from my hands. I gave in, the bottle being removed from my hands as salty tears dripped down my face.

                "What am I suppose to do?" I pleaded. I had thought that by now I'd be living my happily ever after with the girl next door. Some fairytale, right?

                "Go to the talent show tomorrow," Zoey told me soothingly, slipping a ticket into my hands.


                "Why are we here?" I groaned, sinking down into the passenger seat of Matt's car. We'd just pulled up at the school for an evening of fun. Both Matt and Bec had gotten tickets to this year's show from Zoey, she really did think of everything. I almost chickened out in the last minute before leaving my room; but of course my best friend wouldn't have any of my sulking and practically dragged me to the car. Now the couple were both staring between me and each other, trying to figure out what to say.

                "Come on, let's go," Matt patted my shoulder lightly before climbing out of the car himself.

                "It'll be fine Daniel, we won't leave your side unless you want us to," Bec smiled sweetly at me.

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