Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2

Lunch didn't roll around soon enough. I was seriously deprived of fun, so I stretched out lazily on the warm green hill Matt and I always ate our food on. Even with my eyes closed and the sunnies on that I'd pinched from Matt I could still feel the sun's pressure on my eyes. Sleep tempted me and I began to feel myself lulling in and out of consciousness.

Just as I was tipping over the verge into nothingness I felt myself gasp for air. Matt had arrived and apparently found it amusing to pinch my nose.

            "You'll so pay for that," I grumbled, shaking the back of my shirt to get any stray pieces of grass off.

            "Yeah, yeah. I bring a peace offering," he smirked, shoving a glad-wrapped brownie under my nose. The aroma was heavenly in the way only sickly sweet chocolate can produce. I grabbed it immediately.

            "Emma?" I grinned, not hesitating to unleash the chocolaty goodness.

            "Yup, I'm just glad suffering through another one of my sister's sleepovers has paid off," Matt choked out around half a brownie that was shoved in his mouth. Emma was Matt's thirteen-going-on-fourteen year old little sister. She and her friends rotated houses on a weekly basis, leaving cookies, cakes and brownies in their wake. Even though it seems like Matt has four sisters instead of just the one, you never find him complaining - at least not while his mouth is full. Sometimes I wonder what he would look like if he didn't have footy to work it all off.

            "So, watcha doin' tomorrow night?" Matt asked, brushing crumb off his pants.

            "Umm, I want to say I'll be home watching bad TV. But it sounds like you have something more fun planned," I sighed, popping the last of my treat into my mouth.

            "Damn straight. Ryan Fasco's having a party at his," Matt clapped me on the back. I wonder if he was trying to impart some enthusiasm into me.

            "Yeah, I'm gonna pass," I shrugged.

            "No. What for?" Matt's face fell.

            "Bad TV," I smiled.

            "C'mon man. You gotta come," Matt pleaded, "there's gonna be heaps of hot girls there."

            "So? It's not like they're gonna hook up with me," I challenged.

            "So spend your night gawking at them and being my wingman," he beamed.

            "I'm not going to win am I?" I huffed.

            "Nope, just give up now," Matt suggested, "it's for the best."

            "I take it I'll be driving too?" I started pulling at the grass, feeling my mood slipping.

            "Umm… no. I'll drive, the least I can do is let you drink your sorrows away," his answer surprised me and I began feeling a little better about being dragged to the party. At least I won't have to be Matt's slave all night. Plus there's always the possibility of forgetting the night even happened - if I'm willing to chug down that much liquor. Which, knowing me, I'm not.

            "Wait a minute…" my brain began to whir into motion, "if you're not drinking then you're not going to make a total ass of yourself. Who are you trying to impress?"

            "What? No one," Matt said too quickly, attempting to shrug it off with an over exaggerated shoulder drop. He had plastered his I'm not telling face on.

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