Chapter 10

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Hi all.

I know I haven't been that great at updating. I really wish I could get out the chapters faster, but my busy life full of wonderful assessment (note the sarcasm) has unfortunately prevented me. So please just be patient and I will get it out as fast as I can. We're beginning the build to the climax; trust me, you won't want to miss the next chapter (which I am writing now).

So, without further ado - here's chapter 10...


Chapter 10

My head was spinning.

Ava was resting peacefully on my chest, her leg strewn across my waist. She looked gorgeous; her hair was brushed gently away from her eyes and the soft sunlight streaming through the half-closed blinds brushed lightly against her long eyelashes. I could feel the subtle rise and fall of her chest under my hand. I realised then that it would probably be best if I moved my hand. Slowly I lifted it from her warm body. Ava stirred beside me, a single ringlet slipping out of place. Gently, I moved the curl from her face and tucked it neatly behind her ear. It was at this moment her eyes fluttered open.

Startled we both sprang apart. Unfortunately for me I misjudged the width of our makeshift bed and fell to the floor, landing with a soft thud.

                "Oh my god, are you alright?" Ava peaked over the edge of the couch.

                "Uh, I think so," I sat up slowly, rubbing the throbbing sensation at the back of my head. We drifted into an uncomfortable silence. I stood up abruptly and Ava followed suit, nearly stumbling over herself in the effort. We stared at each other, each waiting for the relief of a word; but it never came.

                "I should go," I finally managed.

                "Right," Ava nodded rigorously, stealing her eyes from mine.

                "I'll, umm…" my mouth dried up, "see ya."

                "Yes," Averley chimed in awkwardly, "see ya." I turned on my heel and swiftly exited the room, mentally cursing myself the whole time.

What happened last night? Did we kiss? Did we sleep together? Does Ava remember? God, I feel sick. My stomach was knotting up with each unanswered question that circled my mind. I need to find Matt.

I purposefully searched the house for my friend. I didn't find him, though I did find some girl asleep with her head in the toilet, a guy topless with chocolate topping smeared all over his chest and a couple arguing as they hurriedly got dress in last night's clothes. Leaning against the kitchen counter where, where my happy adventure started the night before, I groaned into my hands. Where the hell was Matt? Luckily for me, I lived in the twenty-first century and a wonderful invention was currently resting in my pocket. I fished out my phone and dialled my friend.

                "Yo?" Matt's sleepy voice answered after a few rings.

                "Matt, where are you?" I hissed.

                "In bed," he grumbled.

                "Here?" I questioned.

                "Where's here?" he was slowly waking up, "I'm at mine, where are you?"

                "I'm at Zoey's" I sighed, he'd left without me, what a friend.

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