Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to azmeril for the lovely comment! Hope this one keeps you hooked...


Chapter 6

After tossing and turning the night before, the thought of Averley fresh in my mind, I did not appreciate the early morning wakeup call from Mum. Okay, maybe it wasn't that early.
                "Daniel," she called from downstairs, "Daniel, you've got a visitor." I stifled a yawn and rubbed my eyes, sitting up groggily in the tangle of my warm sheets. My first thought was Matt coming over, he's the only one that ever does really, but that was wiped clear when I remembered that he stayed the night. Curiosity and confusion consumed me, so I slid my feet to the floor and padded downstairs.

                "Daniel, what happened?" Mum's jaw hit the floor.
                "What do you mean?" my mind still fuzzy with sleep mulled over the possibilities.
                "Your face, were you… did you…" she trailed off.


                "Uh, I can answer that," a third voice sounded. Mum and I both turned. "He was protecting me, actually." Averley's cheeks flush crimson as our gazes met.
                "What?" Mum was still star struck, bobbing her head between the two of us.
                "Kyle, uh, got a little aggressive last night at the party and Daniel stepped in to help me out," Averley's attention diverted. Mum looked like she could either beam with pride or pass out on the spot.
                "Are you alright, Mum?" I shuffled closer towards her, "why don't you go sit down."
                "Okay. Yes, okay," she moved numbly into the kitchen. After the reassuring sound of the kettle bubbling and a chair scraping back I turned to my neighbour. Averley stood in the doorway, her eyes penetrating my skin. Her sunny brown hair was tied messily in a bun atop her head with the exception of a few stray stands, one of which she was busying herself with by curling it around her slim finger. I suddenly became very aware of just how undressed I was, with merely a pair of boxers to cover my slightly pale skin.
                "I, um," she broke the building silence, "I just wanted to thank you again for last night. I really appreciate it."
                "No problem," I shrugged. Another silence settled, though it was much more awkward this time as my mind replayed last night's events. As my mind wandered to the almost kiss, I wished whole-heartedly to be anywhere but standing in my entry with the girl next door.

                "I, uh. Was that it?" I moved toward the door, ready to barricade myself in.
                "Actually, no," Averley's eyes lowered to her bright pink toes, "I think we should talk about last night."
                "We don't have to," I flushed.
                "Danny," her firm voice resounded.
                "Uh," I ran a hand through my chocolate strands, "did you wanna come in?"
                "No," she blurted, "I mean, it won't take long." A forced smile crept onto her face.
                "Sure, well…" I leaded.
                "Oh, I just… I just want to make sure that you… I mean," Averley tripped over her tongue, "the kiss, it didn't mean anything, right?"
                "No, it didn't," I smiled back, "because it didn't happen."
                "Right," she nodded, "right. I should be going."
                "Sure," I nodded back, leaning against the door. With a quirky wave, Ava spun on her heels and began walking home. I stayed, watching her petite figure until it disappeared behind her own door.

                "So, what happened last night, exactly?" Matt's voice sounded by my shoulder, making me flinch.
                "Uh, nothing," I closed the door.
                "Yeah, yeah. Enough with the charade. Two things are clear as day that you can't pull that shit anymore," my friend grabbed onto my shoulder and spun me to face him, "one, you are so hot up for that girl, and two, something happened last night. So spill, Daniel."
                "I," I grunted in retaliation as my lips jumped into movement, "we. Averley and I, kinda… almost… kissed."
                "What?" his jaw dropped.
                "Shh, just, shh!" I waved my arms frantically as if they would dispel the question.
                "Is everything okay?" Mum popped her head into the hall.
                "Yeah Mum, all good," I dropped my arm, "what's for breakfast?"

If I thought I was out of the woods, I was wrong. As soon as Matt and I were alone he cornered me.
                "Spill Daniel. Every. Detail," his voice was forceful, but his features gave away his excitement. Okay, to be honest, I was excited too. Not that I would ever admit that verbally. Normally, the topic of girls revolved around Matt discussing his latest target or conquest or the two of us chatting about the hottest babe in the latest action flick. But now it was different. The thrill of divulging into the secrets of last night sent a shiver up my spine.
                "It's like I said before, Averley and I almost kissed," I shrugged, knowing that my short response would only provoke my friend further.
                "Dude, you're killing me," he groaned, flopping onto my bed.
                "Fine," I chuckled, he was hooked, "I found her in a guest bedroom last night-"
                "Whoa! What did you think was gonna happen," Matt wiggled his eyebrows at me.
                "Nothing," I smothered a smile. Truth was in that moment we were closing in the possibilities did run through my mind. Not that they would actually happen. "Anyway, as I was saying… She was upset, so I comforted her. We just talked and then before I knew it we almost kissed," I finished.
                "Okay, so what'd she come over for today? Did she ask you out?" Matt sat up.
                "Uh, not exactly," I felt disappointment bubbling under my skin and leeching into my voice, "she just wanted to make sure that we both knew the kiss - almost kiss - meant nothing." My eyes hit the sandy carpet.
                "What! You asked her out right? Right? Daniel, tell me you didn't agree" he was reacting more, well… girlish, than I thought he would . Here I was thinking he'd fuss over me not getting a single kiss, but no, he was concerned that I wasn't practically hitched already. Where was the Matt I knew? Bec sure has changed him. Thinking of…

                "So, Matt, what happened with Bec?" I changed the subject, recalling their make out session from last night.
                "Wha-" Matt desperately wanted an answer, I could see curiosity practically strangling him, "uh, we, uh…"
                "Yeah," I nudged him.
                "She came over to talk, you know. Just saying I was really brave and stuff, standing up to Kyle. Then she just sort of jumped me," he beamed, a light blush growing on his cheeks. "In fact, if we were alone I think I just mighta got lucky," Matt winked.
                "So, you only want a one nighter?" the right corner of my mouth perked into action, there was the Matt I knew.
                "Nah, I don't think so. I know what you're thinking," he reassured me, "but she's a great kisser. I mean great, Daniel. I can't wait to step it up a notch, if you know what I mean."
                "Matt, an ape would know what you mean," I rolled my eyes at him, "hell, even the banana the ape's eating would know what you mean."
                "Whatever, you're just pissed I got a kiss and you didn't," Matt grinned, "anyway, I'd better get going." He rose from my bed.
                "Talk to you tomorrow?" I asked.
                "Definitely, I'll give you a buzz," Matt confirmed with a wave before walking himself out.

Being left to my own devices, I shuffled around my room. Boredom was setting in. I guess there's always homework to do. I pulled out my maths book and tossed in on my bed. Grabbing a pencil, I followed suit and began doing some problems. I was about done, thinking I had enough problems in my own life without having to solve others. I put my pencil down and let my mind drift from exponentials. Should I have told Averley that I wanted the almost kiss to be more? Should I have asked her out? Would it even be appropriate for me to do that considering she only just broke up with Kyle? I couldn't be a rebound, not when I wanted more, could I? I groaned in frustration, why did I pass up some lame reality show for the party. None of this would have happened and I wouldn't be thinking about my neighbour constantly. I glanced out through my window, only to realise what a terrible idea that was. I could see straight into Ava's room, her lush white curtains drawn back.

Of course she was there. Averley's dainty figure was huddled atop her queen bed. Dozens of photos littered the quilt around her. I watched as she picked one up, staring at it, reliving the memory that had been captured. Her body jolted. She was crying, I can't believe I only just noticed. My neighbour lay her head into her hands, crushing the picture she was still holding. Her mood broke quickly, dragging her into a fit of rage, she tore the picture she held into two before doing the same with the others surrounding her. I felt the urge to soothe her bubble inside of me, but as quickly as the episode had started, it finished, and once again she dissolved into tears.

                "Daniel, honey, come here a minute?" Mum requested. I followed her direction and made my way to the living room. She and Dad were seated on our black leather lounge, indulging in afternoon tea.
                "Yeah Mum?" I enquired as I entered the room.
                "Can you sign this card, please?" Mum finished scribbling before handing it over.
                "Sure," I read it over.

Dear Ava
Happy 17th Birthday! Only one year left until you're officially an adult and you can go out and party to your heart's content. Just remember to have fun being a kid - don't grow up too fast!
Love Peter, Mel &

I quickly filled in the blank space with my name, "when's her birthday?"
                "Tomorrow," Mum smiled, taking back the finished card before slipping a fifty in and sealing it in the envelope.
I nodded in response, "was that all?" I picked up a Tim Tam and bit into it.
                "Yes, sweetheart," Mum smiled, picking one up herself. I grinned back before retreating to my room. A plan began to form in my head, and I had to get it just right.


Getting close to 100 reads! Yikes, so excited. Anyway, you know the drill so do it!!! Comment. Vote. Fan. Whatever, just let me know what you think!! :D The more feedback I get the sooner I'll post a new chapter. Also I've started casting, take a look and let me know what you think. Got someone better to play the role - leave a comment! You may just get a dedication out of it. ;)

❤ GhostGir1

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