Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to surviving_heart952 for her amazing comments that have given me new found dedication to this story!

Thank you!


Chapter 5

"Leave!" Kyle bellowed, throwing Ava behind him as he charged for me.

                "Jacobs," a strong voice sounded from my right. We both turned. Matt was pushing through the crowd, determination making its own path.

                "Stay outta this Sanders," the hulking beast warned.

                "Don't do this Kyle," my friend threw back, threat evident in his tone.

                "You wanna stand up for your boyfriend," Kyle whimpered girlishly, "fine by me."

I never saw the swing, my eyes caught on the blessing that is Matt, foolishly standing beside me. I sure felt the connection though. Kyle's cleaver of a right hook landed hard on my jaw. The shuddering crackle of bones colliding was sickening. Those lucky enough for a front row seat drew a collective breath as I stumbled backwards. Tripping on my own two feet and landing with a thud on the floor sent a flush across my face.

                "Kyle!" Ava scream, lurching her petite frame forward. With one fowl swoop the footy player knocked my neighbour's effort aside, sending the brunette angel into the gathered crowd.

                "Shit Ave, stay back," Kyle's sudden realisation of his forceful actions peaking through his rage-filled mind. Unfortunately for him, Matt chose this moment to strike.

And strike he did. One hard blow to mirror the one I had fallen victim to a moment earlier sent the thug tripping back, slamming against the wall. A cheer rang through the audience, as if the onlookers had witnesses Superman defeating Lex Luthor, not just a couple of punches being thrown about.

                "I'm sorry, Danny," Ava's hushed tone called through the ruckus. I scanned the enclosing crowd for the owner, barely managing a glimpse before she began retreating through the crowd.

                "You alright, man?" Matt crouched beside me, a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

                "Yeah," I began to smile, but a sharp throb halted my contracting muscles.

                "Let's get you some ice," my friend rose, hoisting me up with him.

                "Good idea," I tenderly felt along my jaw line, retracting my hand when I hit the sore spot. I followed Matt into the kitchen where he took up an amateur medical role. A bad of frozen peas and two Panadol were thrust at me. I downed the pills with a glass of water and gently placed the vegetables against my bruising skin.

                "I'm gonna go check out the damage," I nodded in the direction of the bathroom.

                "Sure, I'll be right here," Matt's smile while meant to reassure me was obviously forced. My Mum was going to kill me. As I steered myself towards the bathroom, the throng of partygoers divided themselves and I was met with an occasional pat on the back.

Getting to the bathroom turned out to be an easier task than I thought, and once there I barricaded myself inside. Staring into my slightly battered appearance, I could already tell my face was going to swell. A purple and yellow patch the size of a tennis ball was darkening by the minute. I almost didn't believe it was real.

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