Chapter 7

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Hi all, sorry for the delayed update. I got stuck with a slight case of writer's block, but lucky for you that's passed with an my longest chapter here, which I've dedicated to barbiel for her touching comments throughout this story.


Chapter 7

"Come on Daniel, you can do it," I whispered encouragement to myself, "just call her."

It had been Averley's birthday for the past fourteen hours and I still hadn't even wished her a measly happy birthday. All last night I'd been brainstorming, googling and mentally breaking down over the plan. In the end though, no present seemed appropriate enough to describe the sort of relationship we had. I mean, how can you sum up we used to be best friends, but you kinda ditched me to become popular, then I became a mini-hero and we almost kissed, which made everything a little awkward, and now you just want to remain whatever the hell we are while maybe, just maybe, I was hoping for a little more, into a gift? It's complicated. After many adjustments and drafts of my plan, I eventually came up with something that sort of worked. I was desperately attempting to initiate my idea, however my body refused to hit the call button.

                "Fine, I give up," I threw my iPhone onto my unmade bed before diving after it, "don't call Ava you wimp." A flash of genius, well what I thought was genius, surged through me and I snatched up my phone. Just text her. That way there would be any chance of an awkward silence or embarrassing trips over my tongue. My fingers flew expertly over the touch pad and soon my message was complete.

Hey Ava. Happy 17th!! Hope u have a gr8 bday.

Hoping ur free 4 dinner 2nite. Pizza??

Daniel :)

My finger hovered over the send button. Why was my body refusing to communicate with this girl?

                "Daniel?" Dad's voice carried from downstairs.

                "Yeah, Dad?" I shouted back.

                "Come down for a minute," I heard back. I lifted myself off my bed before deleting the unsent message and pocketing my phone. I made my way downstairs only to be met with my parent's sly smiles.

                "What?" I asked cautiously, they obviously wanted something and I wasn't sure yet if I wanted to take part in it.

                "Could you take Averley's present over to her?" Dad queried, though I knew it was less of a request than a politely phrased demand.

                "Sure," I sighed, there was no way I could talk my way out of walking next door for five minutes. Mum produced an envelope from behind her back and passed it to me.

I crossed both lawns and knocked on the Jones' door. A beaming auburn haired woman opened the door.

                "Hi Beth," I smiled back as I greeted Averley's mother.

                "Hi Daniel, darling. My it's been a while," her grin widened, if that was even possible, "what brings you over?"

                "Uh, birthday present," I waved the envelope in my hand.

                "Oh, how thoughtful. The birthday girl's out back, come on in dear," Beth stepped to the side as I entered the house. I couldn't help but notice the colourful streamers and balloons decorating the main living areas as I made my way to the backyard. Not to mention, the chattering that was becoming increasingly louder.

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