Be Told [Entry Two]

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Entry Two:

Journal of Lisa

Be Told: Entry II

October 15th, 2015, 15:37 

Bonjour mes amis, c'est moi- Lisa

Aujourd'hui, je ponse que- je suis ici, du monde. Je ne suis pas morte et qu'est quelquechose.

Mon francais, ce n'est pas 'wonderful', mais, I hope I have proved my point.

Although I know I'm a pessimistic person, that doesn't mean I don't have any faith in the world. I believe this place is crap. I believe mostly only bad things happen; though I'm not oblivious, I do realize that if only what I think happens then why is everyone in this world not like me?

Look journal, I know there are happy moments and happy places- they just don't really occur often; or never in certain cases, but somewhere, right now- a foolish person is smiling and I say 'foolish' because chances are this person won't be smiling forever (so why bother at all?) nevertheless, I guess happiness still counts as happiness no matter how short lived.

I honestly don't know what point I'm trying to prove with this positively unproductive rant, however, I am going to keep on talking because perhaps somewhere, sometime, someone will actually bother to care.

This is supposedly entry two- and of this particular journal, it is, but that is not to say that this is the second ever entry of my only journal. Before I wrote or even thought of writing this, I wrote many different stories in different places. I'm not exactly sure where all of my babblings are, as of today as I have an array of notebooks, however, I do not exactly think that is a bad thin because hopefully if I can't read them- no one can. 'I can't see you, you can't see me'.

Some of my other rants have proceeded to gain an air of utter sincerity that may 'alarm' most people of my current state- so as of now, I am very much grateful that I can tell you the truth without you even knowing who, what (yes, what) or where I am. Even you knowing that I am not Lisa gives me confidence.

I am a pessimist and proud of it because it makes me smart, aware. I know how terrible life is, I have some power over happy ignorant fools and that is what grants me peace. That is not to say, however, that I have anything against these fools, no, they make the world rotate on its unjustly shaped axis.

what I ay always sounds odd but may it gives one something to think about or at least I hope it does, otherwise my input is rather useless.

Well, I suppose I've spouted enough crap for one day, write again soon,

Love, Lisa.

Journal of Lisa

Be Told: Entry II

October 15th, 2015, 16:12 

Entry Two: complete


Second entry out- kind of freeing really, I know this won't be published for a few weeks but right now it's Christmas day, well just about- it's 00:08.

Merry Christmas to me, merry late Christmas to you!

Author out

Love, LostInCake

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