My Hello[Entry I]

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Entry One:

Journal of Lisa

My Introduction: Entry I

September 15th, 2015, 15:03 

I'm Lisa.

Okay, that's not really my name- but I'll call myself Lisa for the sake of it, so I'm Lisa for all you know; you have no clue who I am, well, here's a surprise- neither do I.

I don't even have a real name, I don't have a real voice; I have words, little hoards of random letters strung together to make exactly what you see here.

You know, mankind has used words for hundreds of years, but where did it begin? What bright little nerd open its mouth and said, "Hey, I want to force people to read, to create, to share with others- I think a brilliant way to do this could be through the miracle of symbols."

Words, when you think about it, are rather like the aboriginal tribal drawings found in caves all over the world. Just because we have a symbol for every single letter doesn't make it any less a code. Our dictionary is our internationally excepted codex, and each tribe all over the world has created different ways to say the exact same thing.

In France for example, one might be greeted by a simple 'salut, comment vas tu?' or a 'Bonjour, comment allez vous?'

In England, people can convey the exact same message by saying, 'Hello- How are you?' or a casual, 'Hey- How's it going?'.


Why do we need a million different ways to say, I hate you, or a thousand different ways to call someone worthless? Because let's face it- language is more commonly used to tell someone to 'stuff it' than it is to say 'How are you?' to that slightly disfigured stranger you met on the bus or at the train station on the way to work.

Why did we invent such a useless thing as words? 

We, as people, spent thousands of years trying to figure out ways to say and spell you're a retard, you're worse than shit or even, you're a waste of air.


We are heartless, we diss our own species- we are all murderers, if one of us has the power to kill then all of us do, you know why? Because to put it basically, we're all the same.

We're all useless.

Did you ever create a secret language when you were in primary school? Or grade school or whatever it is you 'other language countries' decide to call the same thing. This secret language between you and your very best friend could have been written, verbal or both- either way that's not the important part of this point, the important part is why you created it?

Was it so you could talk trash about that one guy or girl in your class that everyone hated? 

Come on, you can admit it here- it's our safe zone, and you may as well admit it because I already know the truth, I know everyone has done it because that's what all languages are for when you break it down.

I said I was to be called Lisa.

You will pronounce this differently depending on where you're from because this world is irritating and had to make even the most basic things complicated.

you might say Leesa, or perhaps you say Lysa? Or just to be awkward, maybe Leeza?

I personally don't see the point in this, it's all the same word, why bother giving it a different sound if it has the exact same meaning?

Might you be wondering how I pronounce this word? To put it simply; I don't.

I don't say it because it's a name- it has no meaning and frankly, it's not even my name.

it's a word, a jumbled sound, a thing that took hundreds of years for people to perfect yet it's completely and utterly useless, and that's the truth. 

Honest- I don't lie.

Love, Lisa

Actually, scratch that,

Love, random sound.


Journal of Lisa

My Introduction: Entry I

September 15th, 2015, 16:01 

Entry One: Complete 



Hey everyone- so that was the first chapter of JOaP, what do you think? I greatly appreciate your comments and opinions and please vote if you enjoyed it. I know this is a really short authors note but they'll increase with time.



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