Letter 23.

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Dear Santa,

Only two more sleeps till Christmas tonight and then tomorrow I can't wait I'm so excited. Louis said he had a surprise more me on Christmas I can't wait to see what it is!

I don't know what all to write so this is going to be very short I hope you are enjoying the winter and snow. Sister Agatha made us hot chocolate to drink while we watched a movie after lunch. It was so chocolatey and had so many marshmallows. I loved it so much tonight we get to have pizza for dinner.

Did you know that even tho there is snow here we can't have any penguines because it's not as cold as they need. I didn't know that until I asked Louis he said they have them at some zoos cause they can keep it cold but they can't just wonder around.

~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz