Letter 7.

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Dear Santa,

Sorry my letter was so short yesterday I didn't really know what to write I kept thinking about that family adopting that girl. I have done so much thinking since then and I finally know what I want for Christmas.

I want a family a mummy and daddy or even one I don't care just someone to love me. I want to live in a house and have stories read to me. I promise to be good if you could just give me this one thing. 

Even if I don't get to see everyone here I'll miss them but I do want a family so so much I miss being cuddled and getting to crawl into their bed when I have a bad dream.

Maybe we could get a puppy eventually that would be so nice I love puppies! We could play catch and run all around I would love that a lot. Oh please Santa help make this happen I want this so much.

I'm going to talk to Molly about it at play time and see what she says I know she will probably be sad but I would like this please very much.
~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now