Letter 14.

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Dear Santa,

I got in trouble today I'm sorry I am but I was so curious about something in the back yard so I went out and Sister Agatha scolded me. She said she wanted me to behave and that I was only being scolded because one I did wrong and two because she doesn't want me sick or hurt.

I'm sorry for not being good I promise I will try harder I just get so curious Sister Anna said that that my letters are being delivered to you. I got a post card in the mail from one of your elf's it was in red and green. I'll tell you what it says in case you don't know also this way I can remember it too.

Dear Niall Horan,

Work is very busy up here in the North Pole as we get closer to Christmas Eve.
Everyone is preparing the toys are almost done, the reindeer are trained and Santa is 
getting his coat ready. We thank you for the letters and know that we read every word
we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.
~Santa's Head Elf

How cool is that I was so excited a few other kids who also wrote you letters each got one as well. I'm so happy I can't believe I actually have a card from a Elf this is so amazing can you thank the elf for me please? Thank You
~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now