Letter 18.

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Dear Santa,
Doctor Taylor said I have the flu and I might not get to be in the Christmas program. What am I going to do Louis is suppose to go to watch I don't want to let him down. I want to get better so I can go and do my part Molly said if I can't she'll do it for me she remembers because I practice in front of her every day.

If anyone does it I'll be happy that it's her she's really good with talking in front of a crowd. Why did I have to get sick why couldn't it happen after Christmas? I'm going to talk to Louis tomorrow and ask what he thinks I should do.

I'm laying in bed with a bucket beside me I feel so icky I just want this feeling to leave. How come people get sick that's what I don't understand, like maybe once in a while but this is the second time this month for me. I haven't gone outside without wearing the proper clothes and I always wear my hat!

I just really want to be able to have a good time at the play and not miss anything. I'm happy tho that the lessons are over till after the New Year, please Santa help me get better.
~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now