Letter 8.

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Dear Santa,

After lessons today we got to go and sing Christmas carols for the older people at the home. They loved it we even got to have cookies and hot chocolate with them, I got to eat one that looked like a snowman.

We are going out tomorrow to also help pick out the Christmas tree and decorations. Molly and sister Anna are going to help me decorate my room I'm really excited. I am evening going to put some of my pictures up as well. I told Molly about wanting a family and guess what she wants one too! I really hope she does we'll have to make sure she is still able to talk and play with me on play dates.

I get to help with dinner tonight so I want to write this letter so I can have a small nap before helping cook. We're having spaghetti and meatballs my favorite then we are having a piece of candy for snack. Friday is movie night and we're going to watch the Polar Express I really like that movie.

Do you watch Christmas movies too? I bet so and if you do are they about your or about your deer. I wish I could pet a reindeer that would be the neatest thing to do and feed it a carrot. I'm going to take my nap now bye bye!

~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ