Letter 6.

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Dear Santa,

A family came here today to get a little girl she seemed so excited to go with them. There was a mummy a daddy and a little boy. After they left I asked Sister Anna why they took the girl away with them. She said they adopted her I don't really know what that means but apparently she gets to live with them now. I also asked if I could get adopted too she said someday I might it all depend on if a family chose me. I kinda hope someone does but then again I don't want to leave Molly or the sisters. I love them very very much I don't want to be without them but I do want a family.

Do you think that it is possible to have both? That would be so wonderful if I could then I wouldn't lose anyone again. I get to go back to my lessons tomorrow I also get to join everyone to eat again because I'm doing a lot better.

~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now