Letter 12

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Dear Santa,

We made our decorations today I made a reindeer out of my hands! I colored his nose with blue paint so he has a blue nose. I also got to have a piece of candy with m&ms in it Sister Anna said it was because I was such a big helper.

Another kid was adopted today his name is Allen he was so excited to go home his family has two mummies in it.  It made me curious so I went up to the lady and asked her why there was two of them. She smiled and said that it was because she loved the other mummy very much and they wanted a family.

I think that's nice I told her I hope they have a good Christmas she was such a nice lady. If I get a mummy I hope she is as nice as the lady was. Allen looked so happy to be going with him we even had a little refreshments before they left.

Molly and I were playing in the snow she told me that she was hoping to get adopted too. Molly has been here a little longer then I have. I'm not sure why she's here but she is excited to be adopted but scared to leave. I wish I knew how to make her happy again I don't like seeing her sad.
~Niall Horan

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now