Chapter 24

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Livi's POV:

"Livi! Get up! I've been at you for 30 minutes please!" I heard my mom yell. I didn't want to get up. I hurt so bad. I felt drained.

I heard her exit my room and I snuggled up a bit more in my blankets. I felt awful. Like a pool of miserable swallowed me up. It wasn't sick or pain. It was ache and weakness.

My cancer had gotten to that point.

I attempted to blanket my body when I heard my door open again. I didn't want to be bothered. I was shivering but sweating, tired but wide awake, alive but feeling dead.

"Liv, what's wrong?" I heard Nash said as he sat on my bed.

"I don't feel good,"


Nash's POV:

I paced back and forth in the hospital hallway. I don't know what to do. Liv is getting more and more sick. She seems gray and gone. She is even more weak and frail.

I brought my hand up to my mouth to chew my fingernails. It's been a week and she hasn't gotten better. They wouldn't even let me see her anymore! Why?!

"You can go in now," the doctor said dimly walking into the hallway and away.

I scoffed and entered the room. "Livi!"

"Nash," she barely smiled. I could tell she tried.

"It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay," I assured her. Wrapping her small weak body in my embrace.

"I missed you," she whispered into my shoulder.

I looked into her dark brown eyes that didn't light up like they used to. I kissed her and she returned it. I missed her and her lips and her hugs and everything about my baby. My star. My love.

"I want to be okay, Nash, but I know I'm not." She said, tears leaking from her eyes and onto her tank top and short black leggings. She was lucky to get out of the dumb hospital dress.

"Yes, you are. You're the strongest person I have ever met!" I explained, wiping her tears away while fighting my own. She can't see me cry. "I need you,"

I let one tear escape my eye. "You're eyes aren't bright blue like they used to be," She said, stroking my cheek with her small frail hand. She was like a frugal vase.

"I need you, and when you're not happy I'm not." I responded with my voice cracking.

"I'm happy when I'm with you," she smiled.

"There's that perfect smile I missed so much." I grinned back down at her.

"I'm thirsty," she whined, laughing.

"I'll get you a drink."

I left the room and rounded the corridor. There was a water machine with cups down this hallway. I know this stuff, I stayed out here for a week waiting for my angel. I paused when I hear a familiar voice.

Livi's doctor.

I leaned closer to the voices.

"That poor girl. Leukemia is taking her over. She's lucky if she survives the night."

I gasped.

It could be anyone...right?

"And her name is?" A girls voice spoke now. I'm guessing a nurse.

"Liviania. Room 345."

I gulped. Livi. My Livi. My baby. My star. My life. My everything.

I got her water, ignoring thoughts that stabbed my mind.

No. She's not going anywhere.

I walked into the room to find a lady in there, mending to Livi. She now had tubes through her nose and they were taking blood.

"H-here," I choked out to Livi, handing her the water.

"Are you alright?" She asked me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Just fine," I said and faked a smile.

She drank the water after shrugging.

"I'll be going honey. Call me if you need anything," the nurse said with a recognizable voice. She was the one talking to Livi's doctor. I already despised her. They weren't doing anything to save Livi!!!

She nodded nervously to me and exited the room. I gritted my teeth angrily.


Livi's POV:

I woke up to sun shining brightly through the hospital window. Beautiful day here... (A/N note the sarcasm)

Nash was laying on some chairs in my room. Aw! He stayed with me! He's so sweet.

I still felt like crap. I didn't want to move. I knew I was weaker, my voice was, my hands, and people were touching me a lot lighter. Including Nash. Why can't they treat me normally?

"Oh you're up!" Nash exclaimed jumping up and hugging the life out of me. Now I know why people touch me lightly.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

He shook his head 'no' as he kissed me.

Funny thing is, I knew exactly why I wouldn't be.



I decided to make this story a few chapters longer and then it's going to end. I want to honestly thank all of you for reading and you're amazing! Please vote! And follow! I'll follow you back most certainly! Also comment! Haha well thanks!


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