Chapter 9

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Livi's POV:

It's been three days since the discovery of Olive's death. I didn't get out of bed once.

I didn't have to worry about school because it was Thanksgiving Break. I just laid in bed all day, ate chips, and watched TV. I didn't care anymore. What if Olive was me?

Nash had come to visit me everyday and cuddle with me in bed. He comforted me. I felt like I was slowly rebuilding the walls around my heart. Olive's death did this to me. I don't know why it was so bad for me. Maybe because that was me at one point..

Today was Olive's funeral. I decided to go with Nash. What could possibly hurt? I might as well. She would've want me to.

I got up and slipped on a black lace dress that went to my mid thigh. It was a tank top dress and was tight around my bust and stomach, but flowing around my thighs. I paired it with strapped 4 inch heels. I put on my black sun hat and dark sunglasses to cover my watery eyes. I left my hair down natural (wavy).

Soon Nash's car pulled into my driveway and I went to his car. I could see his mouth hanging wide open as I walked up to oped the passenger side door.

Nash is lucky he can drive. He's 16 and I'm 15. I turn 16 in 2 months.

"You look beautiful, Liv," He spoke, admiring me.

"Thanks. You look pretty fine yourself." I responded, not meeting my eyes with his. He was wearing a nice black suit. He's adorable.

We drove and soon came to a church. I walked down the rows of pews keeping on a strait face. We soon took a seat 5 minutes before the ceremony began.

Her mother and father spoke about how long and hard she fought for her life, and that she accomplished exactly what she wanted to. "She left a mark on this world," Her mother spoke, wiping a tear from her cheek. I did the same, except with more.

I examined the nice set up they had for her. It was beautiful. They had large pictures of her.

"And I would like to ask someone very special to come up and say a few words about my beloved Olive." She began. "This is her. Her name is Liviania. She fought along with Olive and survives leukemia, thankfully. She is a major part of Olive's life." Her mother motioned to a picture of me and Olive smiling at the camera, both with shiny bald heads. I hid my face in Nash's shoulder.

"You were beautiful," He whispered to me. "And you still are."

"So, Liviania, if you wouldn't mind coming up, my family would greatly appreciate it." Olive's mother said, wiping more tears from her face.

At first I resisted. "Go," Nash whispered, pushing me up.

I stood up and walked up to the memorial. I wiped away a tear as I began to speak.

"Hi. I'm Livi. Or um..Liviania. Olive was my best friend. She was the only one at the hospital that I could talk to." My voice cracked and I continued. "She knew what I was going through. We used to have sleepovers in each others hospital rooms.." I laughed slightly at the memory. "And we would wake up and play chess together or tag with the littler children. She really understood me." I cried at bit more and caught my breath before continuing. "After I was told about her death, I didn't leave my room for three days strait. I was devastated. She used to be all I had. Now she's gone. But someone very special and dear to my heart helped me. He said to me; do you remember how you felt? How you just wanted it to all end, right? And I said yes. He said that it ended for her, and she was in a better place. Which she is. I know how she felt. Quite frankly, it sucks. I know she's happy. She's no longer in the pain and I couldn't be happier for her. Now it's just about missing her. No matter how far away she seems from me, she's in my heart. Always right here." I spoke, laying a hand over my heart. "Thank you."

I left the stage and sat down. I smiled through my tears for the rest of the memorial service. I felt the walls around my heart completely break down.



So that was beautiful. Yeah it felt so real.. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Byeee! Next update will either be tonight or tomorrow. Please vote!

Oh! And if anyone was wondering, I don't hate Taylor Caniff, at all, it's just his part in this book. I honestly love him! Okay bye!


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