Chapter 12

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Livi's POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache. What is wrong with me?

Nash had gone home yesterday and didn't sleepover.

I got up to brush my hair.

I took strokes and strokes of my knotted bed head. I looked down at my brush.


Little clumps of my strait brown hair were in the pricks of my brush. I got sick to my stomach.

I ran quickly to the bathroom and threw up. I leaned against my wall and let my tears fall. I know. I have it. My cancer is back. This is not good. Please tell me this is a dream.

I have to keep this from Nash. The last thing I need is him worrying about me. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. There were no patches of no hair on my head. They weren't noticeable. Yet.

What am I going to do when I have to shave my head because it's gotten so bad? What will I do? I'm scared. I'm scared for my life.

I begin to cry again.

Knock knock.

Someone's at my bathroom door. I whimper again.

"Baby what's wrong are you okay?" Nash asks me as he walks in.

"Yeah I'm fine..just feeling a little bit sick." I say lying. I have to make it unnoticeable that I am lying. He will force me into telling him.

"Oh I'm sorry baby," He responded. Yes! He doesn't know I'm lying! He scooped me up bridal style and brought me to my bed.

He kissed my forehead and went downstairs.

I am so stressed. I have cancer again.

My life is terrible. Please fix this. Please keep me safe I'm finally happy. I finally feel like I have a place in this world. That's with Nash. I love him.

I know it's only been a short amount of time but there's people you feel right with and people you feel wrong with. I feel so amazingly right with Nash. He's perfect.

But my life is the opposite of perfect.. He deserves better. I can't hurt Nash!

Look at me. My life revolves around a boy I used you hate. What am I doing?

Tears began to fall down my face once again. My door creaked open and Nash walked in with a glass of water and thermometer. He's so sweet..he cares about me! This is a whole new feeling. I felt warm inside, but chills crept onto my skin.

Nash put the thermometer in my mouth and set the glass of water on my night stand. He sat next to me on my bed and stroked my sweaty face.

"It's gonna be okay baby, you'll be fine." He soothed. I hope so.

The thermometer beeped.

"Oh my goodness you have a 103.2 fever," He said, worry on his face.

Looks like I actually am coming down with something. I need to check with a doctor and see if I have cancer. It could be a symptom of something.

"Hey Nash..can you take me to the doctors office?" I said stroking his face with my fingers.

"Yeah but why? I'll take care of you,"

"I just do," I responded.

He picked me up and brought me to the car. I curled up in a ball in the seat. I was only going to the doctor's to see if I had cancer. I needed to know.

We walked in and I went in for a check up.


I was now waiting in the little room for results. Nash had no idea. He thought I was getting a check-up. That was good.

I examined the cramped up room. It seemed bright and dull at the same time. Like visually bright but a sad mood. I shifted on the layer of thin paper I was sitting on. It wrinkled up beneath me. Ew. I hated doctor's offices. Especially after having leukemia. Which I might have again.

The doctor walked into the room with a brown worn down clip board. He was so doctor like. He had a white robe on with a pen in the little pocket. If you thought of a doctor, you thought of him. Bald head like an egg. I giggled at the thought.

"Alrighty, Liviania. You still are not diagnosed with cancer." He spoke. Oh praise The Lord! "Your hair was falling out because you do have cancer in you. It was a small side effect you may have your whole life, because cancer never completely goes away. But you are sick. You have the flu and you have it quite bad. I suggest bed rest for at least three days and don't leave the house for at least five. Have someone attending to you and watching over you at all times. Have a fantastic day Ms. Williams."

Yes! No cancer! Yes! And I can't wait for Nash to take care of me for five days!

I walked out lazily. I was tired and aching all over. Dumb flu.

"Hey babe are you okay?" Nash said rushing over to help support me.

"Yeah I just have the flu. Bed rest for three days and can't leave the house for five. Also I have to have someone attending to me. Wanna?" I asked looking up at his dreamy blue eyes.

"I'd love to," He responded smiling.

He drove me home and our day consisted of watching movies and holding hands. I didn't want to get him sick so I kept my distance. His presence is what made me happy.

He made a bed on my floor and slept there, refusing to take the guest room. He insisted he needed to be in here with me. He was so flipping cute.

He set up a little floor bed of blankets right next to my bed. I reached my hand down from my bed and grabbed his. I fell asleep to the little amount of his warmth.

"Where am I?" I called out to nothing.

"You're here. With me." a familiar voice spoke.

"Olive?" I said turning around.

"You bet you! I loved your speech at my funeral," She clapped.

"T-thanks." I said back. "Why am I here?"

"Because I wanted to warn you." She said sadly.

"About what?"

She started talking again but I couldn't hear her. Her body started disappearing.

"No! Olive! Come back! Warn me about what?" I yelled, hoping for her return. It never happened. "Olive!" I screamed.

"It's okay Livi it's okay!"


I woke up. I was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. "What h-happened?" I stuttered.

"You were yelling in your sleep. Did you has a bad dream?" Nash asked me.

"I think so," I responded, trying to catch my lost breath.

"About what?" He questioned, worry obviously on his face.

"I-I don't remember. She tried to warn me." I replied.

"Who did?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I said in a trance. "Will you sleep with me?"

"Yes. I'll risk getting sick for you." He smiled, climbing into bed with me and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

I only asked him because I was scared for another nightmare, and I wanted his comfort. I hope he doesn't get sick. But looks like we both can't go to school tomorrow, or the whole week. This will be fun.



So idk if you can actually lose hair from that I just needed an excuse to have that detail. I wanted to keep it interesting, you know? Well yeah. Thank you so much for almost 90 reads in two days this is so amazing and if I hit 100 reads and 25 votes by tomorrow, I'll make an amazingly long chapter! Hope you guys are enjoying this! Please comment whatever you want.


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