Chapter 2

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Livi's POV:

It was fall. It didn't feel like it. Honestly it was hot and still felt like a fresh crisp summer.

Something felt wrong about today. I didn't quite know why.

I curled my brown locks. I put on a pink fluorescent flowing tank top. I had on a black bandeau and black high waisted shorts. I matched it with hot pink Vans and a black beanie.

I slowly walked to school. As I stepped on the cement steps leading to hell (a.k.a. School), I got stares. It felt so wrong. It went by like a devastating scene in a movie. Slow motion. Was something wrong with me?

As I passed every one group of people, they would whisper and glance at me. Some would laugh.

"Freaks.." I muttered under my breath.

I walked to my group of friends.

"Hi," Morgan smiled at me nervously. Okay something was up.

"You guys too? What the hell is going on?" I asked angrily.

"I'm sorry Livi! Everyone knows about your 'crush' on Taylor." Nickolai said quickly.

"What?! But you guys were the only ones that kne-" I stopped myself. Nash. Fucking mother fucking Nash. He's gonna pay.

"Excuse me." I said pushing past my friends, and storming over to Nash. My blood was already boiling.

I yanked him from his group of 'friends'. I swear they were all faker than fake gets. Literally, I hated Nash more than anything in the world right now.

"What the hell, Nash?" I screamed at him. I could just stab him right now.

"What did I do?" he asked, acting like he knew about nothing.

"Don't play stupid you little shit. Do you see these people? They are gossiping. About me liking Taylor! How could you go off and tell everyone that? I never even confirmed it!" I yelled in his face.

"Okay one, it was obvious! And two, I didn't tell everyone," He yelled right back.

"One person is enough!" I yelled, tears brewing in my eyes. "Everyone is talking about me! Do you not see this?" I asked.

He looked around and back at me. Tears were already running down my face. "Livi.." He said sympathetically.

"Forget it!" I yelled and stomped off, they way I had came in.

"LIVI!" I heard him yell behind me, but I ignored it all.

I went up the stairs, bawling my eyes out. I was going to the nearest bathroom.

I wasn't paying attention to anything. Not even the little caution sign in front of me.

As I stepped on a few creaking wooden boards, they collapsed beneath my feet. I let out a loud scream and fell.


Nash's POV:

"Forget it!" Livi yelled in my face. She stomped off.

"LIVI!" I called after her, wanting her to turn around and hear me out. She didn't understand. She wouldn't even give me a chance!

"Whatever." I mumbled and walked over to my friends.

I honestly thought about going after her but fought against it. Why would I? She just Livi. Weird Livi. My enemy. She's just annoyi-

My thoughts were stopped by a scream. I looked up and Livi was falling from the second story.

"LIVI!" I yelled louder than I ever have.

My instinct came and I ran. I ran to her and I ran. It was in slow motion. Time was frozen. If I don't save Livi, she will die.

Just in time, Livi pounded down into my arms. I caught her. I can't believe it, I did it.

I looked up only to see a hole in the platform above us.

Cheap ass school. Almost killed Livi. I honestly didn't want to live without her.

She was curled up I'm my arms, eyes closed. I didn't want this to ever end. She looked so beautiful and peaceful...wait what? I do NOT like Liviania Williams.

Her shirt rode up a little and I looked at her stomach. She had a little bellybutton ring. It was a diamond star.

I caught a falling star.



She fell and Nash Caught her! Will this change the way they feel about each other? Keep reading to find out!


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