Chapter 10

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Livi's POV:

I woke up with two strong arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and Nash was holding me. I could see the faint purple walls and knew we were in my room. Looks like Nash slept over.

I got up slowly, or attempted. With every movement, Nash pulled me closer to him. This is gonna we a struggle.

I tightly grabbed his arms and attempted to pull them off of me. I wiggled the upper part of my body free. I began to climb over him. I put one leg over him and when I tried to put the other one he woke up.

"Best way to wake up is to see a girl straddling you," He smirked. I blushed at his words.

"No! It's not like that," I shot. "I didn't want to wake you."

"You failed completely," He laughed. I turned my nose in the other direction to climb off of him, before he pulled me back down.

When he leaned in to kiss me, I rolled off of him and ran into the bathroom connected to my room and locked myself in. I could hear his loud footsteps as he walked to the door.

"Liv, let me in."


"Why not?"

"Because," I said stretching out the 'cause'. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"And I'm not allowed to join you?" I could tell he was smirking.

"No!" I said disgusted, but giggling. I could hear his sigh as he walked away from my bathroom door.

I turned on the heated water and stripped off my clothes. I hopped into the shower. It felt amazing just to relax.

I washed my hair and then my body. The sweet smell of lavender filled the steamy room. I heard the door creak open.

"Oh no," I mutter to myself.

I peaked out the curtain and there was Nash.

"Hey!" He said smiling.

"Nash! I'm in the shower!" I yelled at him. "I locked the door how did you get in?"

He laughed and laughed his cute little laugh. "I know you're in the shower, and I have my ways." He smirked. That idiot.

"Stop," I said in a whiney manner.

"It's okay," He said stepping closer to me.

"Nash I'm naked!" I yelled, wrapping the curtain around my body. Good thing it wasn't clear.

"I know," He said still stepping closer to me. I giggled at him, I mean, who wouldn't?

In an attempt to back up, I slipped on the slippery shower bottom and fell backwards.

I braced myself to hit the floor but I felt two arms catch me, and help me up. I looked down, and thankfully I was still wrapped up a little in the shower curtain.

"Dang shower curtain.." Nash smirked.

"Get out!" I laughed, pointing to the door. He put his hands up in surrender and headed out.

I finished my shower and wrapped myself tightly in a white towel. I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom so I have to go out where Nash was to get clothes.

I stepped out the door and immediately heard a whistle. "Damn Liv," Nash spoke. I blushed at the comment.

I turned my back to him and opened my drawer, before felling two arms around my waist and Nash's chin on my shoulder.

"I was thinking we could go to a party tonight," He whispered in my ear.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not the party kind of person." I answered.

"Please baby? For me? I won't leave your side," He pleaded and spun me around to face him. Luckily I caught my towel that almost dropped. He smirked at me and I hit his hard shoulder.

"Fine," I muttered.

"Yay!" He yelled, and kissed my cheek before going to sit on my bed again.

I picked out light blue jean skinny jeans with a pink crop top that said 'what' on the front of it in cheetah print. I went to return to the bathroom to change.

"You know, you can change in here." Nash spoke smirking.

"In your dreams, Grier." I smirked back and shut the bathroom door behind me.

I changed into my clothes and left my hair down wet. It would dry naturally. I put on brown eyeshadow and black mascara. I put on clear lip gloss and walked out of the bathroom.

Nash stared at me. "Watcha lookin at?" I asked him smirking.

"I-I um I uh nothing," He stuttered. I just laughed at him.

For the rest of the day we just walked around outside and did little things together until the party started.


Nash and I pulled onto the side of the road where the party was. He grabbed my hand and led me into the house. I got kind of nervous. People were smoking pot and drunk already.

"Liviania Rae Williams what the hell are you doing at a party like this?" Maria said running up to me, and hugging me.

"Nash took me," I explained.

"Yeah, so much time for Nash but none for your best friends!" Nickolai yelled, laughing.

"You know I still love you," I said back.

"Do I ever!" Morgan yelled. "You haven't called in a week!"

"Sorry I've been busy!" I said back. We just laughed. I'm glad Nash wasn't able to come between our relationship. I looked around. Where is Nash?

I shrugged it off and just hung out with my friends. The party was really loud. I went for a long time without seeing Nash. Where is he?

I began to look around. I bumped into too many people and I came around a corner to what seemed to be a living room. I looked around and there was Nash, and Brittany was kissing him. Brittany. Taylor's ex girlfriend.

"Are you fucking serious?" I screamed and ran off.

Nash's POV:

Livi was with her friends so I decided to go find my friends and socialize.

I went through a few rooms, talking and having fun. It was a great party. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. It was Brittany, Taylor's ex girlfriend. She's a total slut and I would never like her.

"What's up Nash?" She slurred, leaning on top of me.

"Get off me Brittany. I have a girlfriend and I'm not interested." I snapped.

"No need to be rude," She spoke trailing her fingers on my chest. "Let loose." I wanted more than anything to be with Livi right now.

Before I could tell her to lay off, he smashed her lips on mine. It was like drinking alcohol. She's disgusting. I reached to push her off before I hear someone.

"Are you fucking serious?" It was Livi. No. This is bad.

"Looks like you're single now," Brittany purred and leaned in to kiss me.

"Get off me! You're a whore and I'd rather die than kiss your intoxicated lips again!" I yelled in her face. Everyone around me screamed 'oooooooo' and laughed as I ran off to find Livi.

I looked all around to find Livi. I found her friends before her.

"Hey guys," I started worried. "Where's Livi?"

"Last time I checked she was looking for you," Nickolai I think it was, said.

I groaned and ran off.

I walked outside and there she was. Kissing Taylor. It hurt me but I deserved it. I walked over to him.

"Put your lips on someone else's girlfriend!" I yelled pulling him off of her. "How could you do this to me?"

"I..don't know. I was mad at you and he kissed me and I just..I'm sorry!" She said, tears falling from her eyes. I engulfed her in a hug.

"It's okay. But please believe me when I say that Brittany kissed me," I pleaded.

"I wouldn't doubt it," She laughed. "I'm sorry."

"I am too," I said back. I grabber her hand and intertwined our fingers. I led her to my car and we drove back to her house. I was most likely spending the night because her parents were on a month business trip.

We arrived at her house and went inside.

For the rest of the night we cuddled and watched movies. I couldn't be more happy than I was with Liv.



Sorry my chapters are short, but I update a lot. I'm going to start making them longer but no ones perfect. Thanks to everyone who reads and votes it means a lot. I'll update again for another vote. Thanks!


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