Types of Mary Sues

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As I have not received any OC review requests yet, I've decided to make a page that talks about some of the different types of Sues. There's actually a lot, and I hope this will help educate you on Sues! Also, if I do say that your OC is a Mary Sue, I'll say which type(s) they are and you can check this out! Also, note that all of these Sues can double as Gary Stus for guys!
So let's get started!

The Original Mary Sue
This Sue is just your run-of-the-mill perfect girl. Super pretty, super popular, super smart, super powerful, basically has all the good stuff! She's literally flawless, and it's super unrealistic! This girl is all-around great, which basically makes her the major category of Sues. Most Sues have these traits with one especially blown up.

The Genius Sue
The blown up trait for this Sue is intelligence. She basically knows everything! She always has the best solutions, and is smarter than everyone else. In fanfictions, she often knows things only a canon character should know. She practically has an encyclopedia in her head, as well as great memory. She's book an Street smart and knows her way around anywhere...

The Copycat Sue
This is for Fanfictions and RPs. This Sue is basically a canon character spin-off, just with a couple changed things. The "creator" may add traits they think the character should have, or swap things just a little. (Ex. Genderswap, hair color change.) This is often used for a canon character's "lost sibling."

Sweetie-Pie Jerk-Face Sue
So, this Sue is a Sue that is basically an absolute jerk and yet, everyone in the story likes them! For example, let's say Jenny the OC trips the new girl, and everyone sees it. But they're so cool, no one cares! It's really annoying. If you're going to have a mean character, then keep them mean! Don't make them a jerk and likable, that's just unrealistic.
Note: If the characters who like them are also jerks/mean kids, then that will make sense.

Jerk Sue
This is a bit different from the Sue mentioned above. In this one, a Sue is meant to seem cool, sassy, feisty, independent and strong, but they come across as mean and rude, not any of the things meant. They lash out at others, are bullies and very self-absorbed. Instead, to make a character with those traits make them kinder, and not just a big bully.

Sympathy-Wanting Sue
This Sue type wants your sympathy as her title states and has an over-dramatic/tragic backstory. Her parents have died most likely, or they were abusive, or she's the last of her species, or she grew up alone. Whatever it is, she's normally very sad and it's pretty clear that the author wants you to feel sorry for her. Unfortunately, a character who's had an over-dramatic/tragic backstory can be really predictable and over-used. If you do want a character with a tragic backstory, try to make it believable in that universe. It's highly unlikely for your cat-human hybrid to be especially hated if everyone else is a hybrid too.

Relationship Sue
This Sue is created for one main purpose- to be the perfect partner for another character, normally a canon one in fanfiction. She's the perfect match for this person, their traits match up like they were made for each other (and the Sue was!).

Villain Sue
This Sue type is what it sounds like; a super powerful villain. This Sue is so powerful and so evil she's practically impossible to kill! (Except maybe by a hero Sue!)

Joke Sue
This Sue type is perfectly ok to get if you purposely made a Joke Sue. (Which is an option) She is purposely an obnoxious, insanely obvious Mary Sue, but it's done on purpose to be funny.

Drama Queen Sue
This Sue has stress, depress, and all those other problems. Her little issues are the main focus, even though it should be the plot. For example, here's a little "story" with a DQ Sue.
*one of the MCs has died in an epic battle... All the characters (except Sue) gather around them in mourning*
Mary Sue: OH MY GOODNESS!!!! *starts crying*
Other Living Character: Mary Sue, what's wrong?
MS: I broke a fingernail and got a scratch! *shows little scratch on arm*
OLC: Guys, Sue's seriously injured, we have to get her to the medic!
*they all rush off carrying Sue*
Dead Character's Ghost: Guys! What about my body? You have to bury it! *watches people leave* Wow, really feeling the love...Stupid Mary Sue...
So, the point of the story is, don't make Drama Queen Sues! They'll ruin your plot line!!!!

This Sue is sort of odd. They're designed specifically NOT to be a Sue, and yet end up a super boring and bland character. Another option is that they end up not making sense. For example, let's say this Anti-Sue has huge anger management issues as a flaw. However, she holds a role in international relations even though she's likely to fly off the handle when she gets upset. It just doesn't make sense! So don't do Anti-Sues!

Beacon Sue
This Sue is the main focus for no good reason. The other characters single them out, which is a little suspicious and pretty obvious that they're a Sue. For example, let's say that this is a Percy Jackson Fanfiction, and Percy and Annabeth are going on a quest and need to choose another member. They happen to choose the main character, even though there are plenty of people much more qualified. It's really odd and singles this character out as a Sue. Now, sometimes in stories you have to get a character on a quest or into a group in order to move the plot a long. That's ok. But make it make sense. If they're asked to join a group, make sure they know the person who invites them well and that it's clear that this character would be a good fit for it.

Better-Than-You Sue
This Sue is invented for the purpose of being better than canon characters. Is Katie an amazing artist? Well Sue is such a good artist that the White House has one of her paintings! Is Marty a successful athlete? Well Sue's the only girl on the school's soccer team as well as the MVP and everyone's favorite! And these are just some examples of the terribleness of BTY Sues! When writing fanfiction, don't make these types of Sues; make them original and unlike the canon characters.

Fake-Flaw Sue
This Sue can be similar to that Sweetie-Pie Jerk-Face Sue depending on the "flaws." This Sue is basically a Sue that has "flaws" that don't make her life any worse. For example, clumsy, but everyone finds her clumsiness sweet and love that about her. Or maybe a character is Socially Awkward and doesn't like to talk much but people find that interesting and decide to become friends with her and she becomes popular. And the final one, which can fall under the Sweetie-Pie Jerk-Face Sue, they have a temper and yet it doesn't matter, because they're never mean to people that matter.

The Believing Sue
This Sue has similar beliefs and ideology as the author, but even more than that, they show off how correct and superior the beliefs of the author are. It's pretty clear that this Sue's purpose is to fulfill the writer's dreams of getting people to agree with their system and punishing those who disagree. The people who disagree are horribly punished in the story, and those who agree are rewarded. The people who disagree with the Sue's beliefs have horrible arguments that can't stand up to the Sue's indestructible and obviously right argument. People are easily converted to the belief system, even throwing away their lives just for the belief of the Sue, which is highly unlikely. People who resist the conversion are punished, humiliated and possibly killed!

The-Out-Of-Universe Sue
This Sue doesn't really fit her Universe, nor do a lot of her belongings. Let's say this Sue is a character who is a witch with a wand and yet she lives in a world with NO magicians. She's the only one which makes no sense. Or maybe your character is a demigod with a bunch of Pokeballs. They just don't fit with their universe.

Possession Sue
This Sue is basically a canon character who's had their personality altered to be more like how the author wishes. (Much like the Copycat Sue) This is more like a self-insert though, with the author taking a canon character and making them more like themselves.

Those were 17 of the many Mary Sue types, and I hope that they will help you know what not to do when making characters. Remember, OC reviews are always open!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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