Mother Dearest

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Chapter 28

Mother Dearest

The day had gone by pretty smoothly after the whole front door incident. Everyone was very happy I was okay and safe. Luka hadnt left my side as I made my way through the house and made plans with Damion about the fight coming up soon. We decided we knew everything we needed to about The Chrome Gang but we were still left in the dark about their ally The Slanders Gang and all of their flips and tricks. Although Damion and Dylan told me not worry I couldn't help it, I didn't want to go into a fight blind, especially one that had to do with my father. There was no telling what lengths he would go to to win this.

I was currently sitting in the living room staring at Lukas cell phone, he had told me to call my mom and talk to her and left to deal with some minor details on the fight. That was what seemed like hours ago, but here I was, staring dumbly at the phone in my hands, not knowing whether I wanted to talk to her or not. I loved her, don't get me wrong, but after everything that has happened not once has she tired to contact me or anyone else to see if I was okay. It was like she had just up and disappeared and didn't care what happened to me any longer. I sighed, I had to do this, even if every fiber of my being told me to just leave it alone and not bother her and her happiness anymore with all of my problems. I slowly opened the phone and dialed her number, I held the cold metal phone up to my burning ear and waited as the monotone ring sounded over and over again. After what felt like the hundredth ring someone answered the phone, there was heavy breathing before a scratchy voice sounded over the speaker, making my blood freeze in my veins.

"Who is this?" The unknowns voice asked. I quickly pulled the phone from my ear and checked the number to make sure I hadn't dialed the wrong one, but it was right, it was just the person on the other end who shouldn't be there. I heard the voice again, louder this time, as I raised the phone backup to my ear.

"Who's there, if this is some prank call it isn't funny." The voice shouted. I felt fear course through my veins before anger took over, no one touched my mother without me dragging there body to hell.

"No, who am I speaking to!" growled into the phone.

"This is Louise, now who are you and why are you calling this phone?" Louis growled back. I felt my body relax, Louise was a part of The Knight Gang, he had come to save me from The Chrome Gang once, but I had refused.

"This is Anna, I called to talk to my mom." I said, my voice shaking slightly from relief. I heard rustling on the other side of the line and waited until a new voice crackled to life.

"Hello? An, is that you?" My mother's voice asked. I felt a sob rise in my throat but I quickly pushed it away and cleared my throat.

"Yea it's me." I answered, not knowing what else to say. Was I supposed to ask her about her life? Why she hadn't bothered to talk to me or contact me at all since I had been saved? What was I supposed to say to the woman who was supposed to care and love me but hadn't been around since I was taken?

"I'm glad you're okay and safe now." My Mom said, her voice slightly monotone. My ears perked up, something wasn't right.

"What's going on that I don't know about Mom." I demanded, the line crackled again and I heard a man's voice in the background, it was David.

"Mom put David on the phone right now." I demanded, leaving no room for argument. After a moment of hesitation David's voice floated from the phone.

"What's up." He said casually, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, there was something that they weren't telling me, I could feel it.

"Okay, you either tell me whats going on or I find out myself. I'm not going to deal with lies, not from either of you." I said, my voice hard as steel. I could picture both David and my mom flinching away from the phone and looking at each other with dread. After a long silence David sighed.

"Your mother didn't want to hurt you but she can't handle all the fear and pain anymore. She can't handle living in fear and always knowing that you're going to be taken or die, and even if you do get away from your father your only getting into more trouble with The Knight Gang. Either way your life is gonna be full of danger and your mother can't handle that. She's happy here with me, away from everything. She doesn't want to go back and deal with worrying about you all the time, she wants peace, and you can't give that to her." He said, his voice even, not giving away one emotion. I felt the blood drain from my face, the room spun and I had to close my eyes and focus on breathing before I could answer.

"So she can't handle this anymore, she can't deal with the fear and the worry, she can't deal with caring for me anymore, or loving me? She can't handle it? I'm the one living it and she can't handle it? I'm the one who was taken and tortured, i'm the one who was starved and beaten. I was the one who had too look into his eyes as he beat me and called me worthless and she can't handle it anymore! Funny when all she's ever done is sit there while I take her hits her beating. Funny that she can't handle it when i'm the one in pain and she gets to run away with prince charming. She gets her happy ending and i'm stuck here to die because she can't handle it anymore. Wow, that sounds about like my luck, right my own mother doesn't want anything to do with me anymore because she cant handle my life." I ranted, my anger feeding me as stood and started pacing the living room.

"I'm sorry that you think that, but it's not all about you all the time. She's still your mother and like the loving mother she is she is giving you a choice. Stay with The Knight Gang and lose her forever or run away with us." David stated. I paused, they wanted me to run away and leave everyone and everything I cared about just so I could have one person who said they don't even want me anymore? Who do they think they are? I took a deep breath and stopped my pacing. I stood in the middle of the large cream living room and stared out into space, the next words I said I would remember for the rest of my life, but I couldn't bring myself to regret them.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just leave everyone I care about because mother dearest is too big of a coward and can't handle me anymore. Tell Louis to come home immediately, you are no longer in need of his protection. Goodbye." I hung up before David could say anything and stared down at the phone. I had just lost my mother, the thought struck me hard and I collapsed on the floor, sobs racking my body. I had just lost my mother, she didn't care anymore, she didn't care.

I don't know how long I was curled on the floor sobbing, but I felt two small arms wrap around my body and it knocked me back into reality. I flinched away from the touch and looked up to see little Trever looking down at me with tears in his own eyes.

"Sissy why are you crying? I don't like it when you're sad, it hurts." He said as tears fell down his cheeks. I sniffled and pulled him to me in a tight embrace, rocking us back and forth.

"It's okay sweetie. I'll be okay, we'll be okay." I whispered to him as we rocked. He wrapped his small arms tightly around me and buried his head in my chest as little sobs shook his body.

"Shhh it's okay, no tears. We will be okay, I promise." I cooed as we sat there, tears running down my cheeks as well.

"Would we be okay?" I wondered.

Behind The Fighters wallsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon