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sooooooooo yea im back and heres a new chapter. I hope you like it idk when ill be able to update again.

Chapter 24


I woke up to bright lights and white washed walls, at first I thought I was laying in a hospital bed, but upon closer inspection I noticed I wasn't hooked up to any annoying beeping machines and the room I was laid in was filled with people I knew, all looking at me with concern and fear. I groaned and slowly tried to sit up, a hand gently pressed against my back, helping me up. I flinched at the contact.

"Who is this?" I asked, not able to turn around and see them.

"It's me, Luka." Luka said, I flinched again. Why was he always here to help, didn't he understand that he was gonna get hurt, didn't he understand how much it hurt to push him and everyone else away? I didn't want to push them away, but I have to for their own safety. After he had helped me to sit up and get comfortable he moved into my line of view. He looked terrible, like he was fighting with himself, his midnight hair was sticking up in every direction and his deep green eyes were dull and tired, like he was giving up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I couldn't help him, he would only get hurt. I had to remember that if I let him in again he would only end up getting hurt.

"What happened?" I wondered aloud. Damion stepped forward.

"Your body is still very weak from the lack of food, water, and sleep. You were up and moving around yesterday and it took its toll, you need to start eating, drinking, and sleeping on a schedule again so your body can regain its strength." He explained, I nodded slowly.

"I understand." I answered, Damion nodded.

"Now was there something you wanted us to do today?" He asked, I smirked.

"Yes. I want you all training today, start with some conditioning then move to hand to hand combat. After lunch choose your weapon and learn to fight with that." I ordered, they all nodded and most of them left the room, Day and Luka were the only ones left. I sighed.

"What now Day?" I asked exasperated, Day sighed.

"You know what i'm about to say, why won't you just do it?" he asked, I huffed.

"it's not that easy..."

"It is! What's stopping you, you know they can protect themselves, you know that you're safe, that we are all safe. Why wont you just come back, i'm so tired of you being distant and scared again. I saw you happy for once in my life and then he came back and ruined it. I'm not letting this happen again, you either fix it and tell us what happened or I start withdrawing again." He threatened. I tensed, there was no way he was telling the truth, if he withdrew then he and Night would never work out, and I knew for a fact that would kill him. I glared and him and threw the covers off myself and stood, my back screamed in protest and my head started to spin a little, but I pushed it back. Luka rushed forward to help me but I shook my head.

"Don't come near me!" I shouted, he stopped immediately and backed up. I saw the hurt in his eyes but I was to pissed off to care at the moment. I turned my glare to Day, he stood there, braced for my wrath, I stepped toward him.

"How dare you?" I said, my voice quiet as I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"How fucking dare you come in here and threaten me like that? You know damn well I can't just open up to people, and with what I just went through I think I have a damn right to be a little bitchy and untrusting. You want to know what it's like. what it's like to fear for your life every day, what it's like to wake up in pain and praying today is your last. That just one more fight and I may be dead, or that my own father hates me that all he wants is to torture me and watch me wither in pain. You don't know what it like to care for someone, to let them in only to be ripped from them and thrown into the belly of the beast, then all of sudden i'm told i'm safe again? That they won't come back, that I won't get taken again? Do you really expect me to believe that? Do you?!" I finished two inches away from him, screaming in his face as he just stared at me evenly, waiting for me to finish. I was breathing hard and my back was burning but I stood tall and waiting for him to speak, but when he did, I regretted ever speaking.

"Now that you have that out of your system why don't you get dress and follow me, I have something to show you. Luka go on ahead of us, we will be right there. Luka seemed hesitant, but he finally nodded and walked out of the room. I growled in frustration.

"What now?" I asked, Day shook his head.

"Go get dressed and meet me outside." He demanded before walking out of the room. I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation and huffed. "Guess I have no choice." I thought as I entered the bathroom.

Behind The Fighters wallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora