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Chapter 25


I walked out of the house and into the large training ground The Knight Gang called there back yard. There were hundreds of people milling around, some were running around the perimeter of the large space, others were in hand to hand combat on some of the large mats placed in the ground and others were either practicing with a weapon from there large arsenal placed against the wall of the house or they were running a large obstacle course that took up more than half the hard. I saw Day across the field talking with Ash, he seemed tired and stressed, and I felt a sliver of sadness creep into my heart for him, I wasn't making his life any easier, if anything I made it so much worse. An overwhelming emotion rose in my chest and I almost doubled over from its focus, but I refused to bend and pushed it down just as Day walked up to me.

"So, you think that we are in danger and could die because of you, well everyone is here to prove you wrong." He stated, he took me by the arm and pulled me to the center of the field.

"Okay, start the simulation!" He announced, everyone cheered as they got into position at the beginning of the large obstacle course.

"Ready, set, go!" Day ordered, the mass of people spread out in different directions, creating a wall of people, all of a sudden a huge group of people I had  never seen before arose from the woods and ran at The Knight Gang,  weapons raised. I tensed and sprinted forward, ready to join the fight and protect the people I cared about, but Day grabbed me, stopping me from moving. I whirled around to glare at him.

"What the hell?! You do realize they could be killed right? We have to help." I yelled angrily, Day shook his head.

"Listen before you rush to save them, those people out there are part of The Knight Gang, they are going to show you that they can protect themselves. So just sit back and watch." He commanded, I crossed my arms and huffed. I didn't want to watch this, I wanted to help. The feeling of danger and adrenaline zipped through my veins, putting me on high alert.

The two groups of people collided and the sound of gunshots, most likely planks, and metal hitting metal filled the air. I shook my head, I didn't understand how this was going to help me. I still didn't want them to to fight against any of The Chrome Gangs people. I wanted them safe, not in the midst of a fight that could end their lives before they knew it.

The fight continued for a while, and the longer it went the harder it was to say that they couldn't hold their own in a fight. Everyone was well trained, most, if not all were trained better than me or any of the men in The Chrome Gang. I sighed, I had no more excuses. I stepped forward and with the loudest voice I could muster I told them to stop, almost instantly the yard became still and every eye turned towards me.

"This fight is over! You've won, I see now that you can take care of yourself..." I paused before lying through my teeth.

"I'll stay." The crowd erupted in loud screaming cheers, I felt pain constrict my heart at the sight of there false hope, hope I would soon crush as I left them, one way or another. Day gave me a sideways glance and I shuddered slightly, he knew something was wrong, but like always if I didn't want to open up he wouldn't push, I loved him for it, I always have and I always will, no matter where I am. He touched my shoulder lightly and gave me small smile, I flinched but forced a smile in return. Someone suddenly grabbed me from behind and lifted me into the air, my first instinct was to swing my foot back and kick them, but as soon as I was pressed against a strong warm chest I knew who had me, Luka. He set me down gently and turned me in his arms for a hug, I stiffened and he slowly pulled away, a giant smile plastered across his luminous face.

"Thank you so much." He whispered, I nodded feeling bile rise in my throat, of all the people, he was the last one I wanted to see, I didn't want to have to lie to his face and see his happiness right before I ripped it away from him again. If he noticed my sadness he didn't show it as he took me by the hand and led my inside the house.

"I have someone who has really wanted to see you, he's missed you a lot." He said as he lead me through the winding hallways of his house. I didn't understand what he meant until we stopped at a set of sky blue doors and he gave a soft knock. I held in my gasp as Trever opened the door rubbing his tired looking eyes, he looked alot better then he had in the hospital, the color was back to his cheeks and he had the glitter of child like happiness back in his eyes, for once in what felt like forever I gave a true happy smile.  Once Trever realized it was me standing outside of his door he squealed and ran towards me, wrapping himself around my legs like a little koala. I giggled and picked him up, feeling a small tingle of pain run through my body as I did so. Trever wrapped his small arms around my neck and buried his head into my shoulder, small hiccuped sobs shook his body, I held him closer to me and shushed him, telling him I was alright and that nothing bad was gonna happen.

After a while of sitting and playing with Trever his eyes began to droop and we put him to bed, but before we walked off he grabbed my arm.

"I don't care what anyone says, you're my sister and I love you, please don't disappear again, you made me and bubba sad. He might not tell you but he cried when we couldn't find you, I did too, please don't leave, please." He pleaded, his large beautiful green eyes filling with tears. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his head, as soon as I pulled away he put his hand over it and I felt a wave of old emotions flow over me. He had done the very same thing the day I found out that Luka was Trever's brother. I gave him one last true smile.

"I'll be safe and i'll keep you safe." I said, trying to hold back tears of my own. Trever nodded and Luka and I walked out of his room. I said goodbye to Luka and walked into my room before he could say or do anything, as soon as the doors closed I let my tears fall.

"I'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry." I thought as I packed a few clothes into a bag and set it by my bed. I grabbed some paper and a pen and sat on the floor.

I'm sorry but I have to do this, I can't stay here, you're all in danger if I do. I know I said I would stay, I lied. I know you can protect yourself but you shouldn't have to. Don't look for me please, it's better if you don't. No I will not go back to The Chrome Gang, I will find somewhere else to go. Luka, i'm sorry, I wish things had been different, but please know I could never hate you, and if things had gone differently maybe I could have learned to love you again. Trever, Little Man, keep your head up, I know you'll grow up to be an amazing man one day. No matter what happens, I will always be your sister. Goodbye.

Behind The Fighters wallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora