Day and Night

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This chapter is for you Day and Night fans. I need a ship name for them and for Luka and Anna. got any suggestions??

Chapter 7

Day and Night

"Where are you going?" Day asked as he walked up and wrapped Night tightly in his arms. After Luka had called and told them that Anna's dad was back Day had tried to distance himself from Night. He didn't want Night hurt. He knew that it would kill him if Night got hurt because of him, and he knew Anna would blame herself for it.  He didn't want them hurt, he wanted to protect the people he loved, even if that meant never seeing them again.

That next day when Anna ran out of the house Day knew something was wrong. Then Luka was letting that little slut, Lucy, hang on him all day. He knew he had to find Anna, but at the end of the day she ran past him, running to her father's car. He watched as she was taken from him. He had turned and punched Luka in the face, screaming at him as tears ran down his cheeks. He yelled any and every curse and insult he could at him.

Luka just stood there and took it, it was then that Day realized Luka really did care about Anna. He truly thought he deserved to be insulted and hit. He remembered the anger and fear running through him, the absolute terror at the thought of losing the person he thought of as a sister.
Night approached him and he had flinched back, telling him he couldn't be near him that he would leave just like Anna. Tears had filled Nights beautiful hazel eyes and he had wrapped Day in his arms, telling him he would never leave. He would stay with him till he died, and even then he would stay with him.

Day fell apart in Nights arms. Night was his rock, his strength, he was the only thing keeping him sane in all of this. If Day lost him now in that hell of street fights he could never live with himself.

"Please..." Day whispered, burring his face in Nights neck. "Don't go." He pleaded. Night tensed.

"Day I would never leave you. I've told you that." Night said. Day lifted his head from Nights neck and looked at him, the way his long brown hair fell around his shoulders and the shine in his hazel eyes. He couldn't bear to lose him.

"You could be killed at those fights. I can't let you go. Please don't." He pleaded once again. Night sighed sadly.

"But Anna...I can't just leave her." He said. Day nodded.

"I understand." He said as he slowly let Night go. Night shook his head and grabbed Days hand, before Day could say anything Nights lips were pressed to his.  Day didn't hesitate, he kissed him back with all the love and passion he felt for him. Night wrapped his arms around Days neck and Day wrapped his securely around Nights waist, bringing him closer. Night pulled back slowly and smiled up at Day.

"I won't go, but that means you move in." He said. Day was taken aback by the statement.

"What?" He asked. Night chuckled.

"I want you to move in. Lily has David living with her and they seem quite...comfy. I know you feel awkward over there. Move in with us, with me." He said. Day looked around at the gang and smiled, they all avoided eye contact. He chuckled.

"We're done." Day announced. Everyone cheered.

"Finally."  One person shouted. Day chuckled once more when he saw a beautiful blush spread across his beloveds face.

"Fine." Day said. Night looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You will?" Night asked. Day nodded.

"Thank you." Night whispered. Day smiled.

"Anything for you." Day whispered back. Night smiled and kissed Days nose. Day chuckled.

"Ok, before you have another make out session I'm going to go get ready for Anna's fight." Ash said. Day nodded. As Ash walked past them Day took Nights hand.

"Let's finish this upstairs." Day whispered, he laughed as Nights face turned dark red. Day pulled Night up the stairs and into his room, locking the door behind him.

"I love you." Day whispered against Nights lips. Night gasped.

"You love me?" Night asked. Day nodded.

"With all my heart and soul." Day said smiling.

"I love you too, with all that I am, and all I will ever be." Night said. Day leaned down to take another kiss from Nights sweet lips, and another, and another.

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