The Killer

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Chapter 8

The Killer

I stood to the side of the ring wearing black leggings and a black sports bra, my black hair was pulled up in a high pony tail. I shifted from one foot to the other, adrenalin already running through my veins. I couldn't wait to fight. Sam stood to the left of me and my father stood to the right, behind me stood my father's second in command, Derick.  I could feel his hard green eyes burning into the back of my skull. I shook my head and turned to face him. I knew he wouldn't say anything, everyone in the gang knew I was a puppet, but they didn't dare mess with me, they knew better than to mess with Zacks little puppet. I sighed and turned back around.

A man walked past us, his black hair a sweaty mess. I stepped back so he didn't bump into me on his way past. He looked back at me and I could have sworn I had seen him before, his bright blue eyes reminded me of someone, I just didn't know who.

I was taken from my thoughts when Derick took my arm and dragged me away. I hissed at him and he let me go, but didn't leave my side. I looked forward and saw my father walking ahead of us. I sighed and followed him. As he walked through the thick crowd a couple of drunks thought it was a good idea to try and touch me, but every one that came my way Sam stepped in front of and swiftly took them out. I looked over at him and saw his stiff stance and clinched fists. Why was he so worried and protective of me, I was just another member of the gang. I don't matter. I'm just another pawn in my father's little game, just another piece on his chess bored.

I sighed as we walked up to the sign in desk. My father leaned down and signed me in as Shadow. Once the guy sitting at the desk saw the name his eyes snapped up to mine. I could see his fear. I tilted my head to the side, narrowing my eyes, daring him to say something. He shivered and looked down.

"Y-your fight is next." He stuttered. I nodded and walked back over to the ring without a word. Sam walked up beside me and my father stood on my other side.

"That man seemed to be pretty scared of you." My father said without looking at me. I smirked.

"Yeah." I said. He chuckled.

"Mind telling me why?" He asked. I sighed.

"I fought against him during a fight. He's the reason I have my nickname, Shadow." I answered. He nodded.

"I want to know the story behind that name." He said. I opened my mouth to answer when I heard the announcer shout over the crowd.

"Next we have The Killer!" He shouted. I closed my mouth and watched as a large man walked into the ring, his muscles jumping as he walked. He stood about six six with buzz cut black hair and hard black eyes. He glared at the crowd, his stance stiff and unmoving. He looked like a statue, large, cold, and stiff. The crowd roared, but he seemed unaffected by it. The announcer cleared his throat.

"His opponent, is The Little Shadow!" He yelled with a small smirk. I glared as I walked into the ring. I grabbed the announcer by his collar and pulled him close to me.

"I'm not some little girl, you better learn that and announce me right next time or you'll be the one who's at the other end of my fist, is this understood?" I snarled in his face. He whimpered and nodded quickly. I let him go and watched him scamper away from me, fear shining in his green eyes. I turned my glare to The Killer, he was smirking at me.

"So what's a little girl like you doing in a street fight like this?" He asked. I sighed.

"To fight, dumbass." I said. He glared.

"Watch your mouth." He snarled. I shrugged.

"You asked a stupid question. I simply answered it." I stated. He growled.

"Start the damn fight." He said, glaring at the announcer. I smirked.

"Yea, what the dumbass said." I said. The announcer nodded and turned to the crowd.

"Begin!" He yelled.

I tensed and took my stance, waiting for him to make the first move. He shifted his weight back and forth on his feet and cracked his knuckles, trying to distract me. I stared at him, refusing to move until he did. The crowd roared, wanting the fight to begin. He lunged for me. I rolled my eyes and side stepped him. From that one move I knew he was right handed but preferred to kick with his left, he guarded his right side better than his left and his side was already bruised. I swung around and hit him in the side, he hissed and fell to the ground, but at the last second he reached up and brought me down with him. He pinned me beneath him and wrapped his hands around my neck, slowly tightening them. I took and deep breathe before he cut my air supply and held it. I kicked his legs out from under him and waited for him to try and catch himself, when his hands left my neck I sat up and took his arm. I twisted it and flinched slightly when I heard the snap of his bone, he screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. I stood and looked down at him, waiting to see if he would stand back up. When he didn't I looked over at the announce, he nodded and raised my arm above my head.

"The winner!" He announced. I nodded and walked out of the ring. My neck hurt and my body was tired. I gathered my winnings and walked back over to my father. He smiled and nodded. I nodded back.

We started walking out of the gym when I saw him again, the man with the messy black hair. He was staring at me with concern in his bright blue eyes. Once he saw me staring at him he waved. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Why did he wave? He didn't even know me, but I could shake the feeling that I had seen him before. I just couldn't remember where.

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