The Cell and The Video

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Chapter 21

The Cell and The Video

We entered the basement and the stench of blood and death filled my nose, I felt bile rise in the back of my throat and gagged for a second before regaining control of myself. We walked farther into the dark dank space to the back of the room, there there were a couple of large cages set against the walls, they were all empty, except the last one where a small blond was curled in ball. I hissed, Lucy was here, and from the looks of it she's been here for a while, her once bright blond hair was matted and sweaty, stuck to her head in one giant knot, her clothes were dirty and she no longer wore her signature high heels, her cake face had melted into a smeared nasty mess. I smirked as he came to a stop in front of her cell. Luka kicked the bars of her cell and she shot up squealing. She looked around, her eyes wide and confused until her eyes landed on me, she glared.

"What are you doing still alive?" She spat. I shrugged.

"I don't know, you tell me." I said. She snorted.

"You're supposed to be dead." She said.

"And you're supposed to be at home fuxking some football player. What's your point?" I shot back. She hissed.

"You're a worthless bittch." She said. I laughed humorlessly.

"And you're the one stuck behind bars in a grimy cell." I retorted. Luka stepped forward, ending our little corral for now.

"Tell her what you told me that day at school." He demanded. Lucy smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said innocently. Luka kicked the bars again, making her jump.

"Tell her the truth or you'll be in worse then this cell." He threatened. I shivered at the cold ice in his voice, it set me on edge and I had to hold back the wave of nausea that hit me as the retched smell of death hit my nose again. I hated that smell, it brought back to many terrible memories to count. Lucy shivered.

"Fine" She said. Luka nodded.

"Well I found out about your dear old dad and decided I would use it to get Luka back. That morning at school I told him if he didn't drop you and date me then I would call your dad and have you taken away. He didn't believe me at first, but when I pulled up your dad's contact he turned around real quick. I saw you walking up so I pulled him close and told him to kiss me like he meant it or I was calling your dad, that's what you saw, after you walked into the school he pushed me away. I threatened him all day until you left in that car, then he threw me in here and demanded I tell him everything I knew about your dad, but I didn't really know anything. I was bluffing about the phone contact and everything, ever since you left i've been here." She said. I nodded, still not knowing if I could trust her story or not, it may just be another lie to get me to trust Luka again so he could continue his little game.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked. Luka answered for her.

"I have a recording of her confession and her phone with the fake contact, you could also asked the whole gang what they saw." He said. I nodded and turned my back to Lucy's cell.

"Gather the gang in the living room." I said. Luka nodded and rushed off. I started to walk off when I heard Lucy's voice shout from behind me.

"You really think you're safe? You're dead wrong, I may not have been able to contact your dad but I know about him, and I know he will kill you at all costs." She spat. I turned towards her and grabbed her through the bars.

"I don't give a shhhit what you say, you don't know me or what will happen so keep your damn mouth shut and stay out of my way." I said before throwing her back into the cell and walking out of the dark depths of the prison, into the lights of the house. I took a deep breath to calm myself before walking back out into the living room,I was met with silence as everyone in the room trained their eyes on me.

"I'm only gonna ask this once and if I don't believe you then there's no way you can change my mind." I stated, everyone nodded, I could see fear in their eyes, fear that I wouldn't believe them, fear that they would lose me. I shook myself out of my thoughts, now is not the time to think like this.

"Ok, do any of you know about Lucy's little plan at the school the day I left?" I asked. Everyone nodded and began to talk at once, ther voice crashing together and giving me a headache, I raised my hand and there voices immediately stopped.

"One at a time." I clarified. Ash stepped forward.

"I speak for the entire gang when I say this, at first we didn't know about the plan Lucy had and we were pissed at what Luka did, but he explained it to us at lunch and we all understood, we even have a recording of Lucy telling Luka her plan while she thought we weren't listening. I can show you the video." He said, pulling out his phone, i nodded and he handed his phone over to me and I pushed play. There was Luka and Lucy talking, Lucy was showing Luka her phone and I saw the fake contact they were talking about, I heard as she told him about how I would be killed and if he didn't drop me and date her, how she would call my dad and have me taken. I stopped the video and gave the phone back to Ash without a word. Everyone stared at me, waiting for my reaction. I folded my hands over my chest and took a really deep breath, I winced as something pulled in my back, I bent over in pain as it felt like my back was ripping in two, but I quickly stood back up and cleared my face of any emotion so no one would know, every one stared at me in concern.

"Are you ok?" Night asked, I nodded.

"Yea i'm fine." I said, I saw Luka shake his head, he didn't believe me, but he wasn't going to say anything, not now.

"As for me trusting you or not, I don't know, I know what you're saying is true and that it was all a misunderstanding on my part, but I don't wanna get close to you, I don't want any of you getting hurt again." I said. Day groaned.

"We won't I promise, we know how to fight and we will be ready for them." He promised. I shook my head.

"Just give me some time ok?" I asked, they all nodded and I turned to head upstairs, I hadn't even taken one step when the whole room gasped in horror, I whirled around.

"What?" I asked. Luka stepped forward.

"Your back tore open, your shirt is covered in blood." He said, my eyes widened. Luka rushed past me.

"Come on, i'll get the first aid kit and fix it up." He said. I froze and turned to Day, he smiled and nodded.

"Go with him, yall need to talk." He said, I nodded and slowly followed Luka up the stairs.

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