Panic attacks

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Chapter 26

Panic Attack

It's been almost a week since I left The Knight Gangs house and ran off, i've made my way across the state and into a small town where I checked into a small rundown motel. I laid my stuff on the threadbare carpet and collapsed onto the old rickety bed, it groaned under my weight. I hated these old motels, they always smelled like mold and decay, and no matter how 'nice' the place was I always had the feeling of a hundred tiny bugs crawling over my skin as I laid in bed, but in order to keep the people I cared about safe I would do anything.

Since I had left the safety of the gang my back had numbed and my body had gotten stronger, I was no longer skin and bones, I had trained whenever I could, wherever I could. I was strong and toned, my body drilled to fight and ready for anything at any given notice. I sighed, I hated being on the run, it always left me tired and on edge, which most of the time meant I was acting like a bitch to any and everyone I met. I pushed myself up from the dusty mattress and un zipped my small worn bag, I grabbed some random clothes and walked into the dimly lit yellowish bathroom. It was small and the shower looked like it had seen much better days, but it was all I had. I turned on the water and undressed while I waited for it to heat up, the water slowly gushed from the shower head on the wall and cascaded to the uneven brown floor, I stepped in and shivered, the water was still freezing! I quickly finished my shower and hopped out, I dried off with one of the thin towels given to me by the motel and dressed. I left my long black locks to air dry after I fought to untangle the unruly mess. I placed my hand on the old rusted doorknob to the bathroom and was about to open it when I heard a sound. Someone was opening the creaky door to my room, I hear the door shut softly and tensed.

"Who was here and why?" I thought to myself as a million horrible thoughts ran through my head. What if it was my father, or The Chrome Gang, or worse...Luka. I squeezed the knob of the door, I had to find out what it was, then I could figure out what to do with it, or who. I took one deep breath before opening the door and rushing through it. What I saw when I opened the door stopped me dead in my tracks. I felt my blood run cold and I could have sworn I felt my heart stop as my hands began to sweat. There, standing in the middle of my room was Luka. His hands were folded behind his back and his eyes were as hard as emerald as he stared at me blankly. My eyes widened and I stepped back in slight fear.

"Luka?" I asked, he didn't move or reply, I felt myself begin to shake.

"What was he doing here. Why is he so quiet? Was something wrong? Did something happen to The Knight Gang after I had left?" I thought, my body now shaking uncontrollably.

"Did something happen to everyone?" I asked in a hoarse whisper. Luka still didn't say anything, he simply unfolded his hands and laid a white piece of paper on the bed beside him and stared at me.

"A note." He said, his voice low and hard.

"A fucking note. Is that all you could do? You just left without so much as telling Day of all people where you were going. Do you have any idea how worried we all were? We've been looking for you since the morning we found out and no one, no one could find a damn thing! You were just gone and none of us knew if you left on your own or if some spy from The Chrome Gang had forced you to leave. We couldn't trust anyone in our own house because we thought one of us could be a spy. But here I find you, fine and dandy on your own while you left everyone scared and lost. Do you have any idea how devastated Day was? He's been crying since you left, he locked himself in his room and won't come out, not even Night can get him to say a word, not one word! And Trever, poor Trever, he was crushed! You promised nothing bad would happen and then that very same night you leave, he was so scared he couldn't sleep and was having panic attacks at night thinking about what could have happened to you. He's just a kid and this is what you do to him?! You say you will always be his sister but you may not live too ever see him again. Were you even planning on ever coming back? No, I bet you weren't. You were just going to leave us all and forget about us. You..."

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