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"Chloeee.. come out, come out, wherever you are." My mother sang, creepily from somewhere in the house.

This sounded like some sort of nightmare. The nightmare where the little girl hid while her parents were downstairs trying to fight off the criminal that ended up in the house. But it wasn't, it was reality and I was a seventeen year old who had to deal with an abusive mother. I didn't even want to call her my mom, she doesn't deserve that title. The title she does deserve is a mother fuc-

"I found you!" She grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me off of my bed. I wasn't even trying to hide because I knew she would find me sooner or later.

"You can run but you can't hide. You remember the punishement for hiding from me, right?" She asked. I nodded not wanting to waste my voice over her.

"What? SPEAK UP." Her hold on my arm increased.. which will probably leave a mark later.

"Yeah, sure, whatever.. Teresa." I sassed, using her name to piss her off.

There was one thing - I mean a lot of things about her that pisses me off, one of them being that she demanded I called her mother.

"Never call. Me that. Again." She hissed.

"Oh, Okay. So I can call you other things? I have a few names in mind." I suddenly felt a sting on my left cheek.

"Come on, fight back, bitch."

"You know.. I would, but that would be animal abuse." I spat proudly.

That wasn't the only reason though. I want to fight back, but if I do than she'll go and tell the police and I know that if I would go rat her out there will be consequences. There are plenty of her friends that I do not want to be involved with so i'm better off doing nothing until I leave this place.

"Coward." She chuckled coldly.
If only she knew that I took boxing almost every night of the week while she slept.

She took another swing at me and her fist hit me in the nose. I could feel the blood pouring out but I left it as it was.

"Come back down in an hour, so I can finish what I've started." I jogged up the stairs and headed straight for the bathroom to clean my nose up. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Ugly." I whispered to myself as I took a cloth and started to clean my nose up. When I finished cleaning the blood, I turned my face sideways and examined my cheek.

I touched the red handprint with the edges of my fingers. Sighing, I walked out of the bathroom and headed for my bedroom. When I walked in, I locked the door and laid on my bed. Closing my eyes, I started to speak pretending my dad was here with me, listening.

"Hi, Dad. Sorry I haven't talked to you a lot I guess my mind is all caught up in boxing and deciding what I'm gonna do for college." I paused and took in a shaky breath.

"I can't stop thinking about you. I always try to do my best to make you proud, but I don'g think I am doing a good job anymore.

"I couldn't have asked for a better dad. These three years without you have been the worst but I love you a lot." I sniffled and held back tears. Some people may find crying a good thing but I don't like it. It's a symbol of weakness and, call me obnoxious, but I don't like being weak.

My Dad had died when I was fifteen years old from a plan crash.

Teresa is my biological mother (at least I think so, my dad would never respond when I would always tell him that I look nothing like her) and she started abusing me ever since my dad died, she says, like all the cliché stories and movies, that apparently it's all my fault he died, which I have no idea how because I wasn't even on the plan when it happened.

"HOURS UP, BITCH! GET THE HELL DOWN HERE." The witch yelled from downstairs. Sighing, I made my way downstairs for another beating.

At least I only have to put up with this for one more month.


hi this chapter turned out very very short and i'm bery sorry🍓


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