Part 10: Trapped In A Mirror...?

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The door bursts open. Sapphire sees me right there in Lapis' room.
"You... Lapis why do you even like her?? I'm supposed to be your girlfriend." She says in a loud voice.
"Yeah, well not anymore Sapphire. I'm done with you. In fact, I'm so done with you because you HAVE THE NERVE TO WANT TO JOIN THE REBELLION SAPPHIRE." Lapis yells really loud so the whole dorm can hear.
"Shhhhhh!!! Lapis what are you doing shut up!!" Sapphire yells. Some gems start coming out of their rooms.
"Get her!!" All the gems yell. "Take her to Yellow Diamond!!!!"
"NO, NO! Stop!! I want to join the Crystal Gems, but after what I saw with that Ruby and Sapphire fusing, I wanted me and Lapis to be like that so we could join the Crystal Gems, fight against Homeworld, and live on Earth forever!! Doesn't that make you people change your mind about turning me in?" Sapphire explains. Me and Lapis nod.
"I never loved you or the Earth, Sapphire. You guys take her out of my sight." Lapis says.
"I'll make you pay one day Lazuli. Just you wait. I hope you get trapped in a mirror for thousands of years. I know you will, and that's payback for what you did to me!!" Sapphire yells as she's taken out of the dorm by a lot of angry Gems.
"Trapped in a mirror...?" Lapis repeats.
"What is she talking about...? She always said she had future vision, but it never came true.... I shouldn't worry myself about that though. Thank you Peridot. I appreciate this.... I love you..." She says to me.
"I love you too, Lapis. I'll never let you go after this. Never."

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