Chapter 1: Alone But Still There

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"Are you Peridot Facet 2f5l Cut 5xg?" Yellow Diamond asks.
"Yes ma'am." I tell her.
"Ma'am? Hmhm! You don't have to call me that you know?" She responds.
"Oh ok..." I say.
"Listen, I know you're very nervous, but you don't have to be afraid of me, I wouldn't shatter you if you did something wrong. I'm not that kind of Gem." She tells me. I started to feel at ease. We started to walk around and around, the classes don't start until Monday, it's Friday and people are getting settled in their dorms. We finally finished the tour as it turns twilight. Yellow Diamond escorts me to my dorm.
"So I guess this is goodbye." I say quietly.
"You jump to conclusions very quickly don't you? Haha. Here take this, it's called a Diamond Communication Line. You can use it to contact any of the four Diamonds. I assigned the Diamonds to give you advice on college. Blue Diamond will help you with homework, White Diamond will help you with navigation, and Pink Diamond will help you with dorm situating and what you need for it." She explained. I feel a lot better knowing the Diamonds will be helping me! I've never been so happier.
"But... What will you help me with?" I ask.
"Everything, Peridot. Good luck." She walks off and I enter the dormitory.
"May I help you?" A Yellow Pearl asks.
"Oh yes, in looking for Savanna 105, I noticed the dorm sections are named after biomes." I say.
"Yes! There's so many biomes we could use them as sections for our dormitory! But unfortunately they weren't enough, we had to make a whole new dormitory on the west side." She explained.
"Wow, that tells how big this college is." I said.
"Follow me, I'll take you to your dorm."
We start walking and walking, and finally we reach my dorm.
"It looks like you'll be sharing your dorm with another Gem." She says.
"Oh wow I t-thought I'd be alone." I say nervously. She walks off. I'm scared to enter to enter the room and see my roommate. I opened the door and a cool breeze hit me. All there was, was my stuff, my bed, my desk, and boxes with some stuff. The room has darkish brown walls with white carpeting. It's quite fancy. The room is large in width, and has a balcony, overlooking Yellow Diamond's part of Homeworld. The lights are very pretty. I heard a knock at my door, it's probably my roommate. I opened it.
"My apologies, I forgot your key." It was just the Pearl. I felt relaxed again.
"Some Amethysts are here to move in your roommate's things, is that ok?" She asks.
"That's totally fine." I tell her.
"Ok, if you need anything just ring the bell." She's says. The Amethysts start coming in and putting my roommate's things down. She's got a lot of things and a huge bed... She must be a Quartz...

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