The Most Beautiful Smile My Eyes Ever Witnessed

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Short Story:  

The most beautiful smile I ever saw lay across the examination table. The mask's smile was beautifully detailed. It almost seemed real and was smooth to the touch. Gently, I picked up the mask and placed it in a glass box. Exiting the lab quietly, I heard a voice. "Come back," it whispered from inside the lab. My curiosity got ahead of me as it always did. Naughty, dangerous curiosity. So before I could think of possible dangers such as murder and such, I stepped backward and into the lab.

It was hotter than usual even though the heater was turned off in the middle of December. "Hello," greeted a feminine voice to my left. Her face was disfigured. Her eyes amber red, skin wrinkled with old age, and her nose was broken to the side. She looked horrifying. It was a good reason to run but I couldn't walk away. My feet were locked in place, they wouldn't budge. It was as if I stepped on glue, a heap of super glue. "I've seen you working on a mask and I've always wanted to know if I could have it to cover my scars," said the woman, a pleading look played on her face as she held her hand out. "But it's mine," I replied annoyed. I've been working on it ever since I was expelled from school for carrying drugs. The mask always covered my depression with a smile that I couldn't muster anymore. How could she just come in with no permission, spy on me, and ask for it? "We could make a deal? Please, Hell's flames destroyed my beauty and the mask wears the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!" she begged, filling me with sympathy. "Can't you do a face surgery?" I asked. "They can't see me, darling. I'm Lucifer's daughter and only some are able to see me, the kind-hearted ones like you," she replied, flattering me as the tips of her fingers lit with fire.

"Mask, now." She started threatening me with her outstretched hands, replacing my sympathy with fear. She warned to burn my face with the magical powers she had. Yet even though I tried to run, I couldn't. I was still trapped by a puddle of gooey glue. Her fingers were getting closer, they touched the tip of my nose, burning it with fire as her other hands touched my face and started melting away my skin over unheard screams and the smell of burning flesh. "Stop!" I yelled as I finally found words to speak from my lime soaked brain. "What's the deal?" I asked, hiding the mask behind my back. "I'll restore your beauty," she replied chuckling softly as she created a mirror for me to look into. I looked terribly disgusting. Skin burnt to the flesh. I touched my red muscle as I realized that she truly may be the Devil's daughter. She had burnt my skin to a great extent leaving exposed meat, muscle, and bone. She giggled at my horrified expression.

My mask couldn't hide this hideous creature she made me. My face would look bright red underneath the fragile mask. "The deal does not fulfill my needs. I need a cure. Help me smile," I replied. "You're blessed with a curse and cursed with a blessing. Turn your curses into blessings and try to live in the present. Only the kind-hearted can see me and that kindness should be able to stop you from continually battling with yourself," she replied smiling, her hands outstretched, awaiting the mask. Maybe she was confident that her words would work... Yet I cannot recall how many times I've been told that. It's not that easy. She had already restored my natural beauty that I don't even find beautiful. I pity her though. She's disfigured and I think the mask would do her good.

I managed to fake a smile as I handed her the mask. The mask melted onto her face like magic, it wrapped around her features, curves, and edges. Even her disfigured nose looked brand new. And she wore that smile. The most beautiful smile I ever saw.

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