Fairies and Angels

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My Dream:

A man, maybe a magician had stepped out to perform a show for us. He looked a little mad, talking to some imaginary soul or creature maybe that's why people always called him a mad man, isn't that right? We all know fairies don't exist, they only appear in fantasies! Yet, this man speaks of them to the audience with truth, saying that he has seen them himself.

The mad man tried summoning a fairy in one of his acts, but as we've all expected, nothing had happened, nor appeared, not even a little spark of dust or whatever the call it, maybe fairy dust?

But when all the people had started laughing and throwing garbage at him, he shone. Some bright light had granted him wings, and he was flying all over the area with it, over the King's guards and over us! Making all of us duck down, as if bowing before a King.

The King would've surely killed that man for sorcery and witch-craft, maybe by hanging him or even burning him at the stake. But what I've seen was beyond imagination.

A fairy stood in front of the stage, in the middle of the audience and the King's guards. "Come through me, come through my soul, something awaits you away from Earth," she calmly said as she held both her arms out for him to do something that I myself couldn't imagine.

The man was surrounded with many tiny pixies flying by his side. They all aimed for the fairy and vanished through her hands into some unknown place. Vanishing isn't even possible! And as the pixies and the man vanished, the fairy vanished after them, leaving me and the audience speechless.

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