Of Mice In May

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Short Story:

"Hey you!" I heard Nardine yell at me from across the hall. Quickly turning around, I swiftly spread my fairy wings and flew as fast as I could towards the library but my trip was cut short by a punch in the face. I sat there, looking at the envious green fairy in front of me, Nardine.

"What?" I asked as I recollected myself from the ground and rubbed my red cheek with the back of my palm. "You didn't give me the homework I asked you to do for me!" She screamed, tapping her foot. Fairy school, the worst place my parents could've ever sent me to. I think I'd rather go clean animal dung than be in this hell with her. "I don't have it, I'll give it to you tomorrow," I said as I walked away only to find her hands on my neck, threatening to strangle me. "It was due today," she whispered, her sadistic eyes lighting up with amusement at seeing my struggle beneath her. Her hands squeezed tighter, closing my windpipe and laughing and my breathless figure. Then, she stopped to give me a chance like she always does. I handed her my homework that I know will disappoint my teachers with my tardiness in not following the deadlines. She smiled, grabbed it, and kicked me in the stomach.

Picking myself up again, I headed to the bathroom but oh, look who found me, my biggest enemy. Slamming the bathroom door with her wand, she grinned her sinister smile. She started to walk towards me, and I, still in shock, didn't move. She grabbed me by the arm and chuckled as I reached for the door's handle only to realize that she'd already made it vanish in my trance. A look of dread crossed my face as I thought of what she may do. The only way out of here is the door or... the toilet... or the sink pipes! I let her lead me to the mirror, where her makeup and markers lay spread next to the sink. I knew she was going to draw on me again and I didn't want my parents seeing such inappropriate images and words written on me, and how about all the teasing I'll get for two months because of how difficult this is to remove. I'd rather be dirty than written on.

"MiceyDauphin," I whispered and started shrinking and turning into a mouse. Scrambling down the pipe I went knowing that she's still looking at her markets, deciding which one to choose, otherwise, she would have screamed to find that she had lost me. "Aaargh!" 'There's her scream,' I thought as I ran as fast as my little feet could take me through the slimy drain. She was coming right after me in her pink furred mouse that she had designed in 'Animal Magic and Transition' class. I was on the other hand, dark blue with glittering stars. The tapping of her feet behind me was terrifying and not concentrating on where I was going, I smashed my body against a metal net. "Hello," she said as she dragged my unconscious body behind her with her long steel tail that rather looked like a chain and not a tail at all.

A day later, I woke up to find my body chained to a chair, still in my mouse form. She was a fairy once again. The needle she was holding was dripping purple poison on the ground. "Good morning," she said after realizing that my eyes are now open. I couldn't even struggle In this chain and my wand wasn't with me so I couldn't dictate any spells to escape her or even to resize myself into fairy form. "I'll just put you to sleep. Don't worry, no one will care that you're gone, and oh, it doesn't hurt," she grinned once again as she flicked her injection on her fingers. She stepped closer, the fear disabling my mind from functioning properly while the needle came closer. There was nothing I could do; all possibilities of escape were destroyed by her.

She slowly pierced my heart with her sharp metal needle, pushing it deeper inside while enjoying my wide-eyed look. I pleaded, well my eyes did, but she thought nothing of getting me free one more time. This time, she never wanted to see me alive again, and by killing me she'll do it. Her finger hovered over the button that she'll push to set the miniature rocket of poison inside me. She smiled again, "Goodbye," she whispered, pouting as she touched the button only to be shot in the neck with an injection of her own. Pheonix and Carla were standing across the room. Pheonix was holding the gun and Carla was in tears.

Pheonix then ran towards me, pulled the uninjected injection out of my chest and unstrapped me from my disabling chain with his wand. "Thank you," I said in my squeaky mouse voice before shifting back to fairy form with their help. 'I'll never forget the day they saved my life,' I thought as I hugged them both.

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