10 | kiss me

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I look up from my laptop when I hear the door open, seeing Stuart walking in with two cups in ice cream in his hands

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I look up from my laptop when I hear the door open, seeing Stuart walking in with two cups in ice cream in his hands.

"Hey." I say, shutting my laptop.

"Hey, sunshine." Stuart says, kicking the door shut. "How's the ankle?"

"Sore, but I'll live." I shrug. "Is the ice cream for me?"

"Nah, I thought I'd just get an extra one and flaunt." Stuart says sarcastically.

"Oh, haha." I say as he hands me the cup with chocolate in it. "Thank you."

"No problem." He says as he flops down on the bed across from me.

"So," I say as I prop my feet into his lap. "How was ice cream with the Brady Bunch?"

Stuart groans. "God, well for starters, the two tress stood at the counter for about 20 minutes trying to decide what they wanted."

"20?" I question, arching my eyebrow. "You're kidding."

"By the time they decided the line was wrapping around the wall of the cafe." Stuart says with raised eyebrows.

"Geez, how many flavors were there?"


"Oh, well then that's understandable." Stuart rolls his eyes and I laugh. "Oh, lighten up, I'm just kidding." I grin, bopping his nose with my finger.

"Yeah, yeah. What have you been doing?" He asks, scooping some of his ice cream into his mouth.

"Watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix." I say, showing him the screen of my laptop. "I swear, if I had to pick a girl to date, I would totally pick Rory."

Stuart laughs. "Would you now?"

"Oh, absolutely. She's smart, she's cute, she's a Yale girl."

"Is she now?"

"And a cute one at that."

Stuart smirks. "Is this your way of telling you're a lesbian?"

"This is my way of telling you I would totally ditch you for Rory Gilmore if I had the opportunity."

"Nah, you love me too much."

"In your dreams, beanie boy."

"Don't you mean your knight in shining beanie?"

"Bite your tongue." I laugh, giving a gentle shove to his chest.

"How dare you," Stuart laughs, poking my ribs gently with his fingers, causing me to let out a loud squeal of laughter.

Stuart stops and looks at me for a second, a mischievous look in his eyes.

"What...?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"You're ticklish aren't you?" He grins.

I hesitate, wrapping my arms around myself protectively. "No..." I trail off.

"Oh, I think you are." He grins. "Let me guess, you're sensitive here?" He asks while jabbing his fingers into my ribs. I squeak -yes, like a freaking mouse- and shove his hands away.

"Stuart, don't." I say firmly, but my grin doesn't make me look very serious.

"Don't what? Don't do this-?" He says, poking at my ribcage again.

"Yes! Don't do that!" I laugh.

"Yes do it or yes don't do it? You're not being very clear, Adams." He says before diving his fingers into my ribcage and wiggling them wildly against my skin.

I burst into a fit of laughter, falling back against my pillows and curling onto my side. "S-Stuart, stop!" I screech through my laughter.

"Sorry, I can't hear you over the laughter!" He grins, falling behind me as he tickles my ribs.

I laugh and turn around to face him, not realizing just how close we are until we come chest to chest. My laughter calms down and I stare at him, my lips parting when I feel his warm breath on my face.

Stuart's hands land on my hips as he stares at me, his thumbs gently rubbing circles into my skin. "Hey, Adams?"

"Yeah?" I whisper, my hands resting on the crooks of his elbows.

"I really want to kiss you right now..." He whispers, his hands trailing to my back.

"Then do it." I breathe. "Kiss me."

Stuart stares at me for another second before his lips crash onto mine. I find my hands have a mind of their own as they trail up to his head, gently yanking off his beanie so I can tangle my fingers into his chestnut colored hair. His fingertips gently massage my back, making me hum softly against his lips. Before I can think I'm being flipped over onto my back and Stuart is hovering over me, his hands planted on either side of my head.

I reach up and pull off his glasses, setting them on the nightstand table beside the bed. I pull back for a second, taking in a deep breath before speaking, "Stuart.."

"Mm." Stuart moans against my neck as he sucks at it gently, and I can definitely tell I'm going to need to cover a hickey tomorrow.

"Stuart, wait a minute.." I whisper.

"What? What's wrong?" Stuart whispers, pulling back from my neck to look down at me.

"Nothing, nothing, it's just..." I laugh breathlessly. "My foot is in the ice cream."


"Oh my God..." I whisper as I lie next to Stuart under the sheets, my cheek resting against his chest.

"I know.." He murmurs, his hand gently rubbing my arm.

"Can I tell you something?" I hum.

"Of course you can."

"You were a lot better than I thought you'd be."

Stuart laughs. "What, you thought about how I'd be in bed?"

"Well, no, but I was definitely thinking about it while we were making out." I say, propping up on my elbow against his chest so I can look down at him as I speak.

"Fair enough." He smiles. "By the way, do you always keep condoms under your pillow?"

I chuckle. "No, but I promised my sister I would. You know, just in case." I shrug.

"How old is your sister?"


"There it is."

I laugh. "Honestly I didn't think I'd need it at all but I guess I was wrong." I shrug.

"You doubt yourself too much," Stuart whispers, bringing his hand up to brush across my cheek. I lean into the touch, fluttering my eyes to a close.

"Oh, by the way, after the amount of makeup I'm going to have to use to cover up my hickeys tomorrow, you better buy me some really expensive shit."

Stuart throws his head back and laughs. "I think I can manage that."

"Okay, cool." I chuckle, pecking his lips softly before lying back down against his chest.

Stuart sighs and wraps me up into his arms, turning over to his side so he could rest his chin on the top of my head. "Goodnight, Adams."

"Goodnight, Stewie."

A/N- Sooo this happened xD Hope you enjoyed!! <3 ~Hayden

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