01 | meet Twombly

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"Are you sure have everything? Laptop, phone, phone charger

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"Are you sure have everything? Laptop, phone, phone charger...which honestly I think is more important than the actual phone, but-"

"Dad," I groan as my father continues to ramble on, my hands reaching out to grasp his gently. "I have everything, don't worry. And God forbid I forget something you can just mail it to me." I shrug, smiling reassuringly at him. He sighs, bringing one of his hands up to brush over my long, brown hair.

"I can't believe you're leaving for an internship at Google. I told you you'd go places." He smiles, rubbing his thumb gently over my knuckle. "Promise me you'll call?"

"Yes, father, I promise." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, don't "father" me, it's my job to worry." He says, ruffling my hair. I laugh and swat at his hands before I'm pulled into a tight hug. "I love you, kiddo." He hums, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I sigh softly, closing my eyes and taking in his scent once more before I pull away.

"Love you too, Pop. I'll call you tonight." I say, standing on my tiptoes to peck his cheek, squeezing his hands once more before walking towards the large building.

"Be safe!" He calls and I turn around as I walk backwards, giving him a big thumbs up.

"Will do!" I say as I push through the double doors. The whole freaking lobby looked like something out of a children's museum. I grin excitedly and practically bounce up and down as I quickly made my way up to the front desk to get the key to my dorm. As much as I love my roommate back in Cali, I have to say it's a relief to know I won't have one here. Sometimes it's nice to just have solitude.

I make my way up to the 3rd floor and look down at my phone, seeing a message from my sister.

[Text: Quinn] try not to party too hard, sis ;) love you!

I giggle softly, typing out a quick reply.

wow, thanks xD i'll try. love you too <3

I gasp when I feel a body crash into mine, stumbling backward a bit. "I'm so sorry," I say, looking up at the stranger. The very attractive stranger might I add. He had thick brown hair and honey glazed eyes, which were guarded by a pair of thick, black rimmed glasses. He waves his hand in dismissal and shrugs.

"It's fine. But uh, didn't your parents ever tell you not to text and walk?" He teases, raising an eyebrow. I smirk and move around him, facing him as I walk.

"Yeah, but I've always been kind of a rebel." I retort as I come to my dorm. He snorts.

"That is literally the oldest line in the book." I roll my eyes.

"It's called sarcasm, sweetheart. Look it up." I say as I push the door open.

"Hey, wait!" I poke my head back through the doorway and raise my eyebrows.

"What?" I say, leaning on the doorframe.

"What's your name?" He asks, gripping the straps of his black backpack.

"My friends call me Mack. Mack Adams." I say, putting my hands behind my back. He tips his chin up in acknowledgement.

"Stuart. Twombly." I nod, raking a hand through my brown curls.

"Well, Twombly, maybe I'll see you around." I shrug.

"Yeah. Oh, and about that sarcasm thing?"


"I don't have to look it up. I invented it."

A/N- This chapter is so cringe I can't even handle it, ugh. Oh well, it'll get better :D Hope you enjoyed!

It's Called Sarcasm [1] ⌲ TwomblyWhere stories live. Discover now