04 | sleepless nights

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I lie awake in my dorm later that night, my eyes fixated on the ceiling as I think about all that happened that day

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I lie awake in my dorm later that night, my eyes fixated on the ceiling as I think about all that happened that day. Considering I had already made some new friends, went to an orientation, and a seminar all in the first day, I'd say I was doing pretty good so far. All I could do was hope and pray that I would be part of the 5% that gets the job. I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear someone knock on my door, sighing and whipping my legs over the edge.

"Who is it?!" I call, not caring who heard me next door.

"Stuart." A voice said from the other side of the door. My brow furrowed and I made my way over, whipping the door open to see a rather tired looking Stuart on the other side.

"Woah, okay, no offense, but you look like crap." I say, and he glares at me through his glasses.

"I'm aware, thanks." He grumbles. "Look, um...I-I didn't wake you or anything, did I? Cause if so, then say the word and I'll leave." He says, raising his eyebrows. I shake my head.

"No, no, I was up. Hard to sleep on the first night in a new dorm." I shrug. "What's up?"

"Well uh, see the thing is, I'm kind of used to having a roommate, and so it was kind of hard for me to fall asleep by myself in there..." Stuart says, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. I smile and lean against the door frame, crossing my arms.

"Oh, Stewie, are you asking if you can sleep in my dorm?" I coo, pouting my lip a bit.

"Well, I as gonna ask if you wanted to come back to mine but yeah, I guess that works too." He shrugs. I laugh, shaking my head and pulling him into the room.

"Come on, you idiot." I say playfully shoving him towards the other bed across from mine.

"Thanks, Adams." He says tiredly, rubbing at his tired eyes when he takes off his glasses.

"Don't mention it." I say as I slip back into bed, snuggling into my comforter.

"So," Stuart says as he gets comfy, putting an arm behind his head and resting the other across his stomach. "We've had quite the first day, huh?" He says, and I snort.

"Yeah, I'll say." I murmur, closing my eyes. It's silent for a minute before Stuart speaks up again.

"You really did make a good point earlier, you know." He says, and I open my eyes to find him looking at me while lying on his side. "I mean, you can't exactly control stuff like that." He says with a shrug. I smile a bit, shrugging as well.

"Eh, well, when you spend as much time as I do studying physics, you can't help but want to show off a little." I tease, and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"You're pretty smart." He says, hugging his pillow. "I mean, shy as hell, but pretty smart." My jaw drops.

"Excuse you, I am not that shy. You saw me tell off pretty boy Graham today, didn't you?"

"Sure. I also saw you almost have a panic attack when Chetty called on you." He grins and I toss a throw pillow in his direction.

"Oh, shut up." I laugh, shaking my head. He chuckles and I sigh softly, looking back up at him. "Well, we should probably try to get some rest. Big day tomorrow." I say. He nods slowly.

"Yep." He says. I snuggle back into my pillow and close my eyes.

"Goodnight, Stewie."

"Goodnight, Adams."

A/N- *cough* #Stack *cough*

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