I run my hands down my arms, willing him the throes my mind, soothing his eagerness as I return back to reality.

"Let's hope not."

A moment of quietness engulfs us once again, the counter-yard thinning with students, their buzzing conversations following them into the large building, heading to class. I glance at my watch once more, seven-fifty. Justin shuffles closer, the rustling of his jacket swinging my eyes away from the device and to his form, where I side-glance at him.

"The human girl is going to attend the school," he whispers, leaning toward me. "She should be arriving around the end of first hour."

I narrow my eyes at him, the statement unknown to me. "And how do you know this?"

He shrugs, leaning back up, lifting his arms up to interlock his fingers behind his head, tilting it back a bit to look up at the sky. "I heard the desk lady and the principal talking about it on my way here," he laughs.

"I heard she was a babe," he says even though he has a mate of his own.

That smirk of his forms on his face while he gazes at me, I sigh before inhaling, seeing the wheels in his mind churning. He assumed himself a matchmaker, trying and failing to put me with someone to release my unreached desires.

"That doesn't matter right now," I tell him, standing straight and focusing on his spoken words. "I wasn't informed of this. I'm supposedly the next Alpha? yet I wasn't notified, what if she's a danger to the pack or school?"

My chest rises and falls at the thought of a human in the school. We still don't know the intentions of the rogue, unsure if he has hidden motives for settling near the outskirts of our territory. Her father might have sent her here to spy. . .

"Chillax, dude," Justin warned, pushing at my shoulder. "They did a background check on all of them, and she's definitely clean. It's also very unlikely that she, a human, can be a danger to us."

He gives me a look as if my accusations of a human girl being dangerous was a joke to him—which seemed to be. At that moment the bell chimes loudly, causing the remainder of students that still lingered and chatted in the front to file toward the entrance doors.

Justin gives my shoulder a pat. "We'll talk about this after school, c'mon. Mr. Grey will blow a fuse if we're late again this week."

~ • ~

"We have ten minutes left of class so I have a bit of time to discuss. . ."

Mr. Grey drones on, his voice becoming nothing but background noise as I detach my conscious from the lesson, my eyes are drawn to the open window beside me with my palm resting on my cheek. The road was clear beside the occasional whiz of a car flying down the road, a moment passes when a black vehicle pulls up to the front of the school, parking into one of the spaces beside the pavement.

My ears pick up on the sound of an engine shutting off, the back door propping open. An unfamiliar scent reaches my nose as legs pop into view as a girl with dark brown hair, reaching past her shoulders side-steps the door and closes it behind her. Peering down, I remove my hand from my cheek, suddenly interested at the way her eyes scan the front of the school's structure, the glow of the afternoon glitter her eyes a lighter brown.

I examine her. Dark brows creased over sullen eyes as the wind swipes at her tresses that frame her forehead, revealing its squarish shape, her hand soon shooting up to remove the strands from her sight. She was deemed as an average looking human, yet to me, she seemed. . .much more. Her features brought the sense of familiarity, my mind having trouble pinpointing where from.

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