Chapter 4: Intresting

Start from the beginning

“Where?” He said back.

“Spades.” I whispered. He let go instantly, his eyes widened in horror and narrowed in hatred. I moved Kayla back slightly, turned her around  and galloped away, laughing at his expression.

“Guards! After her!” He yelled. I smirked. Nobody can match up to Kayla’s speed, we were just getting started.

We ran down the path of red and black roses. I grabbed one rose from the thousands blurring next to me. I had done this thousands of times, and now don’t get pricked. I smelled the beautiful fragrance, holding one hand to Kayla.

‘They will never get us!’ Kayla snorted, still jogging, as horse galloping sounds were heard behind us, trying to catch up. I turned my head to see who were behind us. Two guards, one guardian, and the prince. The guards had their crossbows in hand, armed.

“Go, they’re armed. We’ll have to just leave them in the dust.” I said,turning around back to Kayla, bending over by her ear. She snorted and Flew of in full speed. After 2 minutes I turned around and saw that the men were long gone.

-Roy POV-

“Where?” I asked, almost afriad to know.

“Spades.” I let go of her horse, and looked at her in disguest. She began to laugh and ran off on her horse. Wait! She could have been a spy! Or have information!

“ Guards! After her!” I yelled, getting onto my own horse. They galloped after her. I followed them, with Henry, my Guardian, following on his horse. I gritted my teeth as they got their crossbows out and aimed it at her horse’s feet. Sarah turned around with a smirk on her face. She saw the crossbows and turned back to her horse. She bent over and whispered something in her horse’s ear. The horse snorted and suddenly they ran faster than I had ever seen a horse go. The guard’s horses couldn’t keep up. And these were the fastest and strongest horses my father could get! Soon she was far out of my view and we stopped at the border. I cursed to myself, walking back to the castle.

“Sarah of Spades...Interesting. Hope to meet again.” I said with a smirk.

“You mustn't go out as much, or near the border, I don’t want you seeing that girl again.” Henry said to me with a frown.

“Why?” I asked, getting off my horse, as we walked to the stables.

“Don’t you remember the meeting of five years ago? The attempted peace treaty made by the King of Hearts, your father, and the Queen of Clubs?” Henry said, getting off his horse, handing the reigns to the men who took care of the horses. I thought back to that day. “She was there.” He said with a growl.

~Flash Back~ (YES >:D  I’ve always wanted to make a flashback)

Siting, in complete silence...the room overflowed with tenseness, some anger, and the smell of food. I sat awkwardly next to a boy, he looked about one or two years younger than me, around 13 years old or so. He had white silvery hair and light blue eyes. I heard his name was Haru Clubs, which made me angry with him. How dare he, somebody from the Black Suits, have the audacity to sit next to me like it was nothing. To the other side of him was a girl who looked three or four years younger than Haru, perhaps 10 or 9.

I didn’t hear her name, I did hear the queen mentioning that she was Haru’s Fiancee. She had green eyes, brown hair that went down to her back, it was streight going down, and wavy at the bottom. She was silent, her eyes looking around at the decor. She turned her head up to look at the murals painted by famous artists in the decade. She turned to Haru and whispered something to him. He shook his head and she frowned, she pouted and tugged on his sleeve. He looked at her with a small stern look. She stuck her tongue out at him and glared. Her glare seemed to speak murder if looks could become actions. Haru looked at me with an apologetic look.

“Sorry, she just had an idea.” He said, his voice was quiet and controlled. I looked at him confused.

“What idea?” I asked.

“I wanna paint my room just like that! But I wanna do it on my own.” The girl said, loudly, with a pout. The Queen of Clubs looked at her.

“Silence Sarah, I’ll have your father do it with the servants later.” She said, her voice cold.

“Nope.” The girl, Sarah said, popping the P, crossing her hands. Haru looked at Sarah with strained and stressed looked.

“Fine, We’ll go to your house later and paint your room.” He said with a sigh. She smiled and made a small fist-pump, almost banging her hand on the table.  I looked at her and mentally growled for her to shut up. I swear, she acts like a commoner, I wouldn’t have known if it weren't for the hearing of my Father say to the Queen of Clubs about the behavior of the girl named Sarah.

“Why, such a childish girl, she should learn her manors, such barbaric commoners.” My dad said, I nodded mentally in agreement, but kept my face straight.

“She is royalty..” The Queen said, her voice showing slight anger.

“Oh, my mistake.” my father replied, sarcastically.

“I’m right here!” Sarah yelled, slamming her hand on the table childishly, but the room shook and water rippled. “Don’t you dare underestimate me, Hearts.” She hissed. I glared at her, how dare she speak my kingdom as if it was something evil, or a curse... So I defended my kingdom, as it’s prince.

“Shut up, Clubs.” I hissed her name in the same way. Haru flinched, being in the middle of our fight, but looked at Sarah, and tried to calm her down.

“I’m Spades, you stupid Heart!” She yelled, trying to get past Haru, who attempted to calm her by hushing her. Spades?

“Spades is even worse, copying our symbol with a black line, turning our heart into blackness!” I yelled. I could hear my father and the queen of clubs arguing. I don't remember what happened after that...but it just started another war. I guess I was pretty stupid back then. I never saw Haru, or that Sarah girl ever again.

~End Flashback~

“She was Sarah...of Spades.” I said with a small smile. Interesting...

*end chapter*

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Me Gusta~ 8D

This is getting intresting isn't it? :D Oh the joys of drama!



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