Burn Book

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Third POV

Amber stormed out of the bleachers, dragging her boyfriend Prince Desmond with her as they searched for a coach to take them home.

"She thought she could just join the flying derby team and make out with my ex-boyfriend! Who does she think she is? I, like, invented her!" she exclaimed, chewing off a chunk of a gooseberry bar as she hopped into their coach.

"Why are you eating a gooseberry bar?" Desmond asked, hopping in after her.


"Those make you gain weight like crazy."

Amber dropped the remaining piece of gooseberry bar to the ground in disbelief before shrieking, "MOTHERFORNICATOR!!!"

Sofia's POV

Mom and Dad hugged and covered me in kisses.

"Sofia, you were so amazing! I'm so proud!" Mom exclaimed, embracing me tightly.

"Not in front of my classmates, Mom," I muttered under my breath as I spotted Clio and Hildegard coming my way.

"Goodness, Sofia! I don't know what to say! I didn't think flying derby could be a princess thing but you did it! And that was totally fetch!" Hildegard squealed as she and Clio pulled me into a tight embrace.

At home, I was greeted with applause and congratulations, which I enjoyed at first, but which later became bland and meaningless repeated words.

After a long day, I collapsed onto my bed and told everything to Clover, Mia, and Robin.

"So its official?" Mia asked.

"What is?"

"You and Hugo are a thing now?!"

"Hm... I guess I'll have to ask him tomorrow."

"Why not now?"

I rang my bell and a messenger came rushing into my room.

"Yes, Princess?"

"Go ask Prince Hugo if we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"Right away." And with that, he went running off.

In about five minutes, he returned, panting heavily and he said, 'yes.'

I cried out with joy and Clover, Mia, and Robin joined in. I forgot that the messenger was still there, so I ushered him out and told him to forget everything he saw.

"Hey, Princess, I'm a bit worried," Clover suddenly said.


"It's your hair. It sure don't seem like it'll be going back to normal soon. Maybe you should get it checked out in case it might be a serious hex."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll be fine."

The next day was as awkward as ever in the coach with Amber. She was still wearing James's clothes and she was still fat but she seemed smug about something and she wouldn't tell me.

I hurried to dance class to see Hugo but we were separated by large crowds cheering for us about our flying derby victory.

Sofia the first: Mean PrincessesWhere stories live. Discover now