Chapter 15:Room 282:Part 2:Tyranny

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This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:K'vellia

Finally,we've crossed the bridge and are now in the beautiful streets of New Kushara!While traversing the streets,I noticed many things.The city resembled that of Japan during the Heian period.Except way more vibrant!

Another thing I noticed was that the male part of the population appeared as green colored Oni.They wore hooded robes with shades of blue.The female part of the population appeared as red colored Oni,they wore robes with vibrant shades of violet.The children would take after the parents,using the form and clothing of the father if the child was a boy,and the same thing would apply to a child who was girl.

"Such a vibrant city!"exclaimed I."Oh yes,"agreed Louis."But I'm afraid Tourism is not our focus.""Well then,what is our so called focus?"asked Betty in a sarcastic tone."I was recently contacted by an anonymous New Kusharan,"said Louis."Who told me that my Kingship of this city had been stolen by a tyrant named Vashar The Wretch.A notorious criminal in this city."

"Wait,we got to kill people again?"asks Khrysalis."Well,not mass murder like we did in Britain,"answers Louis."We'll need an Assassination!!!""Guys,"I say."I think I know a guy for the job.""Who?"asks Cecilia."Why,"I said."You guys are looking at"

Next Chapter:Scouting The City

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