Jessica stood there looking at me intently while I swallowed the pills.  When I was done she grabbed my hand and started tugging on my hand.  “Come on, Lainey!  You have to say goodbye to my animals!”

I grabbed my crutches as I stood and used them to get to the stairs.  Then I put them in one hand and hopped up the steps with my good foot.  I used the crutches to get down the hall to Jessica’s room and she started talking to all her stuffed animals.

“Girls, Lainey’s leaving.  I want you all to say goodbye.”

She looked at me and said, “They’re really sad.”

She motioned with her pointer finger for me to bend down so she could say something in my ear.  “Lainey, you have to say goodbye.”

I nodded.  “Look guys, I’m sad that I’ll never see you again, but be strong for Jessica.”

Jessica motioned for me to bend down again, but instead of whispering, she hugged me.

Just then Kyle poked his head in the room.  “Lainey, you ready?”

I almost said yes, but Jessica wasn’t letting go of me.  “Hey, Jessica?”


“You have to let go of me now.”

“Oh.”  She moved away from me and picked up her favorite teddy bear.  “Well Mrs. Teddy wants a hug, too.”

She brought the bear over to me and I gave it a little hug and then said, “Goodbye, Jessica.  I’m really going to miss you.”

She started to cry.  “Bye, Lainey.”

I stood up straight and walked outside with the crutches and Kyle helped me hop down the stairs.  Everyone whose name I knew was at the base of the steps, right by the door.  When they saw me, they cried their goodbyes.

“Bye!  I’ll miss you all.”

And with that, I walked out the door and to the car.

“Kyle, I get to drive, right?”


We got in the car and I had to admit, it was nice being in the car of my own freewill.  I checked my phone before pulling out and remembered something.

“So, Kyle, I tried to text my friend last night, but she never came for me.  Is there a reason?”

He laughed a bit to himself.  “Which text?  The one about covering for you, or the one about where you are?  Only the first went through.”

I was confused.  “How do you know what the texts were about?”

“We have a witch back at the house.  She set up what we call a text web.  Texts are all checked before leaving the range of the house.  They show up on a computer screen and we can delete any texts that we don’t want sent.  By the way, how did you figure out where we were?”

“Easy.  The radio on your iPod.  Your attack against the police made the news.”

“Well played.  Now, the rules.”

I nodded.  “How many are there?”

“Just a few.  One; you already know, stay away from your house until I give the okay.  Two; I’ll be outside of Katie’s house the whole time.  And three; before leaving to go anywhere, you tell me, and I’ll follow you.”

I wasn’t thrilled about that.  “Okay, well can we stop by my house though to get some stuff?  And I’ll have to leave my parents a note telling them where I am.”

He nodded.  “Okay, that’s fine as long as I can come in with you and you hurry.”

“Okay.  And one last thing.  Can I tell Katie?  Anything about yesterday?”

He shook his head.  “Sorry, but no.  it’s not your secret to tell, and it’s not completely mine either.”

Figures.  “Okay.  Now open the glove box.  I need music!” He opened it and pulled out my many CDs.

“Which one?”

I thought for a moment.  “I’m in a Paramore mood.  Put in Riot.”

He did as told and a few seconds later, For A Pessimist I’m Really Optimistic, came on in my speakers.

I drove for a while, without talking until after about thirty minutes, Kyle spoke.  “So what’s your favorite color?”

I turned down the volume of the music and glanced over at him.  “Why?”

“I want to know.  You seem like a sky blue kind of person when I look at you, but after getting to know you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you said black.”

I laughed in my mind a little bit.  “Um, I like dark colors like red and purple.”

He nodded and then turned the volume back up.

[A/N:  so what do you think?  I want to thank all my readers for putting me at 300 reads, and five votes!  I know, only 300 reads and five votes, but I believe in gratitude, so thank you all! Pplease comment!  I really want to know what you all think!]

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