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Gumball had slept until the late morning, groggily realizing he hadn't actually fallen asleep in his bed. Once he realized that, he immediately sat up and looked around. He was still worn out, but now a bit worried that he wouldn't get to speak with Marshall. He looked around, the room still rather dark because of the curtains being drawn, but eventually noticed that he wasn't alone in the room. He could hear the others breathing as he slept, and eventually figured out where he was. Gumball couldn't help but laugh quietly when he noticed the other was sitting in the corner of the room, sound asleep. He was a bit relieved that Marshall hadn't just left while he was asleep, though he did feel a bit bad for just falling asleep on him, rather than talking to him like he had originally intended. The prince got up and gathered some clothing, deciding to take a shower and change before waking Marshall. The vampire seemed so peaceful while sleeping, Gumball almost found it cute. Though he admittedly wanted to slap himself immediately after having that thought. 'Stop it Gumball. Even if it were possible, he's way out of your league.. I'm sure he only sees you as a friend anyway...' he thought to himself, trying to keep his own thoughts in check. It was a sudden realization, and he felt like an idiot for refusing to accept it before.... but he truly did like Marshall. He wasn't sure when, or even how, he managed to feel that way towards the other, and it was a bit difficult to accept it.. but even so, he was glad he did realize it, and didn't make the mistake of marrying someone he had absolutely no emotional ties to, whatsoever. Well, he almost did, but he was glad he didn't. When he was done in the shower and getting dressed, he finished cleaning himself up, and went back into his room. Marshall was still sound asleep, and Gumball realized he probably would be for a while; since he usually slept during the day. He sighed softly and shrugged a little bit, deciding to let him sleep for a bit longer as he went downstairs to make himself breakfast. He was sure that Marshall would be able to figure out where he was, once he realized he wasn't in the room. Though honestly Gumball also had to try and figure out just /how/ to talk to Marshall about things... how to legitimately apologize to him... it seemed almost impossible, given he hadn't spoken to him in a few months.. he only hoped that Marshall would forgive him, if nothing else. // it took a few hours, but eventually Marshall did wake up. It took him a few minutes to realize he wasn't at home, nor was there anyone else in the room. He sighed and stood up, stretching a bit because he was stiff from how he had ended up sleeping. "I wonder where he wandered off to.." he murmured, still half asleep as he walked out of the room. He was aware it wasn't night time, but he honestly didn't care at the moment. He just knew Gumball was here, and he needed to talk to him about something. Subconsciously he was anxious. He was ecstatic that he was able to actually talk to Gumball again, but his conscious mind overrides that, deciding that it's more rational to doubt. It would be better to think that the other didn't want to say much more than an apology, or to confirm they were still "friends". Marshall figured they'd never be anything more than that, and it was something he had decided to accept a few months ago, when he realized Gumball wasn't making an effort -at that point- to talk to him. He sighed, stopping halfway down the stairs, a bit too tired to walk. He sat down again, yawning and just leaning against the railing. He wasn't used to being awake during the day... at all. "... maybe I should find him later.." he muttered to himself, feeling extremely worn out. The after affects of not having eaten much in a long time, really were hell. He'd be exhausted for a few days, at least. He kind of hoped Gumball found him again, before he passed out, asleep on the stairs. Though he wasn't sure how well he'd do in a conversation right now anyway.. still, a part of him hoped that even if nearly impossible; maybe the prince actually liked him. It might be a selfish hope, but it would be nice to think that after so long of being alone... of being hated and feared.. of being a king with no one who trusted him... maybe, just maybe, there was one person who saw past what he was. That maybe, for once, he'd know what it was like to not have to be completely alone. With that passing through his mind, he only ended up falling back asleep; but this time on the stairs. This time, though, he dreamed. It wasn't anything clear, and he wouldn't remember it when he woke up, but he still dreamed. /// the prince eventually walked by, happening to glance up and notice that Marshall was sitting there. He wasn't sure why, so he went up the stairs to him. He almost started laughing when he realized the other was asleep, but managed to keep it to himself. He was sure that Marshall was worn out. He really did look like Shit the night before, and he was sure he wouldn't feel any better for a while. ".. Marshall... hey marshall! Wake up. Cmon I'll get you to an actual bed... you're still in the middle of the stairs!" Gumball said; but in a way not to startle the other. He wasn't sure how Marshall would react when woken up. Though Marshall did respond, he didn't seem to wake up completely. Gumball sighed and helped the mostly-asleep vampire to his feet, and back up the stairs. He half-dragged him to a room and laid him down, covering him up with a blanket. "You can stay for a while, okay? I'll talk to you once you're actually awake, and feeling better." Gumball said and closed the curtains, letting the other sleep. He paused for a moment to look at Marshall, wondering why exactly he decided to stay, anyway. He had every right to just walk out last night, after he'd fallen asleep... he felt nothing could make up for months of ignoring him.. but still, he was glad he stayed. Maybe he could figure this all out. Maybe he could make it work...

Undying love of the Immortal King.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα