Choosing your future can be the hardest decision in your life

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Gumball was trying to hurry, but at the same time he was scared to see how Marshal was. The wolf did seem to tear into him quite a bit, though at the same time he was glad it wasn't himself. // at the time Gumball had been attacked by the wolf, Marshal had gone on a walk through the forest at night, as he had for the past few days as well. It was relaxing for him, and usually the animals left him alone. He hadn't been too far off from where Gumball had been, when he heard Gumball speak out to someone. He hadn't heard exactly what he said, but he had an urge to go check on him anyway. It was a good thing he did, since the wolf seemed ready to tear off the prince's face. // Currently Marshal was out cold, laying on a bed in a guest room. The guards had put up blackout curtains, since they knew what he was and figured the prince wouldn't be happy with Marshal catching on fire or something. When Gumball walked into the room, Marshal didn't move. His breathing was soft, and he almost seemed content, as if the pain was nonexistent as he slept. ".. Marshal.." Gumball said quietly and walked over to the sleeping male. He adjusted the covers a bit, so Marshal stayed covered up completely, and just sat down quietly in the chair beside the bed for now. He didn't want to leave the room until the other woke up, just to make sure he was alright. He felt bad for what happened to the other; but also grateful that he was close by and saved him. He was also a bit conflicted as well, since Marshal could've been killed. No one had put their life directly in the face of death like that, for him. He wanted to know why... No one else would do so, except maybe a guard or two, but Marshal hadn't been asked. It wasn't his duty to protect him, and Marshal hadn't seemed to even be slightly afraid of the large animal... It made him wonder just how much he didn't know about the vampire.. It seemed to take a while, but Marshal eventually moved a bit as he started to wake up. Gumball perked up slightly, watching the other to make sure he didn't move too quickly. Marshal groaned softly as he tried to stretch, but winced a bit before attempting to relax again. After a moment he looked over at Gumball, having taken a moment to realise that it was his scent that seemed to be in the room. Now he knew why. "Hey." Marshal said a bit hoarsely with a small laugh, smiling a little to make it seem like he was better off than he felt. "Glad to see you're alright.. I'm surprised you managed to get me here." Marshal said, serious at first but ended up teasing him again. Gumball only rolled his eyes. "You make it seem like I can't do anything for myself." The pink prince said back, which only made Marshal laugh again. "No. I just know I'm not the lightest person ever." He said simply before shifting and forcing himself to sit up. He grunted softly as he did, causing Gumball to stand, ready to help him if needed. "You should stay laying down!" The prince said cautiously, afraid Marshal would hurt himself more. Marshal got himself back into a sitting position and just relaxed again, the blanket falling to his lap. "I'll be fine, princess. Don't get your tiara in a knot." Marshal said jokingly. "Excuse you, I'm not a girl for one, and two, I don't wear a tiara." Gumball said defensively, though a smirk was plastered on Marshal's face. "Sure, sure. Yknow with how you act around dirt, im surprised." He said with a small laugh. Gumball just huffed before taking time to actually look closer at the others bandages. One of his arms seemed to be completely wrapped, most of his torso and his shoulder; as well as his hands. Gumball sighs and just sits down again. "So what exactly were you doing out in the woods?" Gumball asked after a moment, causing Marshal to look at him. "Yknow I could ask the same exact question.. I mean I'm not sure, but I'm fairly certain you're not the type to wander off at night." Gumball didn't reply. He just looked off to the side for a moment. "Yeah well you shouldn't be out there either.. The wolf almost killed you." He said simply. "It would've been you, if not me!" Marshal almost immediately replied, yelling slightly. Gumball winced slightly but sighed. ".... Sorry.." Marshal replied and just looked away. "Go do something else. I'm not that important." Marshal muttered as he sat there. Gumball didn't reply, but also didn't move. "Why'd you save me, then?" Gumball finally asked. "I mean the wolf was right there. I might as well have gotten myself killed.." Gumball said. Marshal didn't reply for a moment. He just looked at the window. "... I don't have an answer for that right now..." He said quietly after a moment. Sure. That may have been a lie, but despite his true reason, he could never allow someone to be killed. Especially not when he could save them so easily. "Fine.. I guess I'll come back later." The prince said a bit quietly and left without another word. Marshal just let him leave before laying back on the bed. He kind of just flopped back, grunting as he tried to keep the noise he made to a minimum. It hurt like hell to move a lot and honestly even if he healed fast, he didn't heal in the blink of an eye. It just wouldn't take him months to recover. He sighed quietly and just laid there, honestly wishing he could've told the prince.. But he couldn't. Not now. Even if it's been a while, he hasn't been around enough. He hasn't talked to him enough. For all he knew, it could be years before he could tell him.. Besides, what the prince didn't know wouldn't kill him.. Gumball honestly didn't know what answer he was expecting out of Marshal.. But the one he got was less than satisfactory. He was honestly upset, and truthfully he didnt know why. It was frustrating, which only made him more confused as to why he was upset. If Anyone else said such a thing, he definitely wouldn't be upset about it. He went up to his room again, just sitting down on his bed and picking up a book out of a drawer in his nightstand. He leaned back and started to read, just trying to relax and calm down.. Maybe he'd figure out why he didn't like the answer he'd received from the vampire-in-question.

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