Chance meeting or purposeful event..?

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Marshal sighed as he finally got back to his cave, just a few minutes before sunrise. He stood just inside the shadows of the cave that overlooked the kingdom as the sun started to rise. He stood there for a moment before finally turning and walking into his home. There was a castle in the kingdom, yes, but he didn't use it. He had his own house within the cave. He liked it better. It wasn't as empty as his castle was.. It wasn't as hollow. Truthfully there really wasn't anyone in the kingdom who talked to him. Never even bothered. He'd be surprised if anyone knew he was here, really. He sighed as he walked into the house and closed the door behind him, looking around for a moment before groaning to himself. "Damn it. The guards still have my guitar." He muttered but it wasn't exactly like he could go back out to get it... He soon yawned as he headed upstairs to clean up and go to bed. He changed into a pair of boxers after he had gotten cleaned up, and simply went to go lay down to sleep for the day. He didn't sleep too well but he supposed that's because he didn't know if he should go back or not to get his guitar later... He eventually actually fell into a deep sleep until the sun set. Once the sun was down, he woke up and went to get dressed. He put on a pair of black jeans and a plaid shirt over a black tank top, also sliding on his boots and going out to wander the dark forest around his kingdom. He flew out and over the forest for a bit, just bored and not sure exactly what his purpose out here was now. He probably couldn't get his guitar back.. After a while he heard a random yell from below, sounding a bit familiar but not like someone he'd seen in his own kingdom before. Why would they be in the forest anyway...? He flew down closer into the trees, eventually finding an amusingly pink male avoiding as much mud and dirt.. and really anything he possibly could. He chuckled a bit and quietly landed behind him. "Should've known the prince was afraid of a little mud." He said a bit teasingly, literally right behind the prince. Gumball almost jumped right out of his skin as he quickly turned and backed up with a rather loud 'oh mY GLOB!' As he backed into a tree. Marshal started laughing as he stood there, making the pink prince's face turn a few shades darker. "It's not very polite to just appear behind people and scare them like that!" Gumball scolded half-heartedly. Marshal, only just starting to calm down, looked at him. "You should've seen the look on your face. It was priceless!" He said with a grin, though Gumball only shifted a bit uneasily, unnerved by Marshal's fangs. Marshal had noticed though and just sighed, the amusement immediately gone from his expression. The look having gone cold again, a hard mask that seemed to hide many years of an emotion he didn't want to share to the world. "Anyway. Why are you here? I figured someone such as you would be in bed, not tromping around a dark forest in some stupid attempt to somehow stay clean while doing so." Marshal said a bit flatly, only now noticing he was holding something behind him. "I..." The prince said but wasn't sure how to continue for a moment before actually remembering why he decided to come out here. "Right... I came to return this. It is not mine and I do not wish to keep it in my castle." He said simply and handed him the guitar that the guards had taken from Marshal. "Anyway I should probably head back. I need to wash myself off." He said simply and walked past Marshal to go home. "... You don't have to walk. I can help you get back, as a favour for returning my guitar." He said and slung it over his back, picking Gumball up in his arms. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?? PUT ME DOWN!" Gumball yelled but Marshal rolled his eyes. "Oh shush." He said before flying into the air, causing the prince to immediately cling to him. "YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME!" Gumball yelled, half in terror. "Oh so you wanted me to put you down a minute ago, but now you're saying /not/ to drop you. You're so confusing." He said and Gumball huffed but otherwise stayed quiet as he clung to Marshal. The pink prince really just wanted to get back home! He wanted to take a bath and forget he ever came to this creepy forsaken place... "... Yknow you're cuter when you're quiet." Marshal said with a chuckle, causing the prince to blush. "N-No I'm not! Shut up." He half mumbled out, still clinging to the pale Vampire King in hopes to not be dropped. Marshal only grinned a little as he headed towards the males overly-pink castle. The night was quite silent as he flew, causing Gumball to look around out of boredom. 'Oh my glob we're so high up!' He thought to himself, flinching back into Marshal's shoulder. Marshal only looked at him for a moment out of the corner of his eye before looking back to where he was going. Not that he'd run into anything... "You can see your kingdom from here if you look out west.." Marshal said after a moment, half nodding in the direction he was headed. The prince looked after a moments hesitation, soon spotting his castle. ".. That's really what it looks like from up here...?" He murmured softly to no one in particular. "... It's quite an amazing view..." He sad softly. "... I can't argue with you." Marshal agreed quietly. He did quite like the views he'd seen from up in the air... Though this was the first he'd ever shared a view with anyone... It was actually... Nice.

Undying love of the Immortal King.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon