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The course of a couple months had gone by. Marshall had healed to the point that he didn't need to be watched over any longer. He had stuck around for a little while though, honestly enjoying the princes company. They'd gotten to know each other fairly well. The prince even stayed up on occasion to talk to Marshall for a little while. Gumball had found that he could trust Marshall, aside from when he had kept the wolf from eating him. There were a couple times that Marshall had even comforted him, after a long stressful day. It was slowly getting closer to the date Gumball needed to make his decision.. He had a couple months more, but the thought of it made his stomach twist into knots. A feeling of dread would wash over him every time it crossed his mind. Marshall knew there was something on his mind, but he never bothered to ask. It seemed the prince was worried about it enough, and he didn't want to upset him any more than he already was. They had been talking for some time and Marshall had found that the prince was indeed single, though that topic hadn't gone much further. It seemed that gumball tended to avoid the topic, if at all possible, so marshal didn't push it too much. Though one night as Marshall was just floating around the castle a bit, he noticed gumball was still awake. He decided to see what he was doing up so late, and just floated down behind the prince, who was just staring out the window of a balcony, seemingly deciding on if he should go out or not. "Hey. It's getting pretty late. I figured you'd be in bed already." Marshall said a bit softly, attempting not to startle the prince. Gumball did jump a little but turned his head slightly to acknowledge that he knew he was there, before simply sighing. ".... have you ever... had to make a decision that seemed almost impossible to choose...?" Gumball asked after a moment. Marshall raised an eyebrow and paused for a moment but eventually replied. "Yes... though it was difficult.." he said quietly. "Why do you ask...?" He further inquired but the prince stayed silent. Marshal thought and then proceeded to add onto his answer. ".. if there is something that you cannot seem to decide on... it's best to go with what you think would be the better option. What would be better as a whole..." he said quietly. Gumball looked at him for a moment before just looking down. ".... I was asked to decide to marry a princess from another place, to join the two kingdoms." He said quietly after a moment. Marshall couldn't say anything at first. It took a moment to realize what he said, and another moment to try and keep his breathing steady as it felt like someone just stabbed him. After there wasn't a response from Marshall, gumball looked back up at him, only to find the other staring out the window, with almost no expression in his face. "... marsh-" he started, but the vampire cut him off. "Do what's best for you and the kingdom." He said suddenly and a bit sternly, compared to his previous tone. "... if it's what's necessary, then.." he said but was unsure how to continue, but before gumball could speak, he added "I will be leaving by morning. I need to go back to my own people." He said simply before leaving the prince to his thoughts. Gumball didn't respond. He only let Marshall leave, as he tries to figure out why there was such a sudden change in the other's tone. ".. alright.." he whispered to the air after Marshall had left. Truthfully Marshall was hurt to know that the prince had been arranged a marriage proposal. He had thought that maybe... just maybe.. he had a chance, but he was wrong. He didn't bother to wait until he knew the prince was asleep. He simply left the castle to head back home, and hopes to forget that any of this ever happened. In truth... he felt a bit betrayed, even if he knew it wasn't the prince's fault. Even so, he felt like he should've said something to him sooner... maybe he would've been spared the pain.
{hey! I'm sorry it took so long to publish the next part. I've had massive writers block, and half of this had just been sitting here for months. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update this, seeing as I'm on the verge of working 2 full time jobs just so I can get some extra money... but I'm trying my best! I Promise! And im sooooooo sorry, again, that this took so long! I promised to finish this story, so I will! ... eventually. ^~^''}

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