Is this truly whats right?

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Now, Gumball hadn't been aware that Marshall had been invited to the wedding ceremony. He had handed the job over to the head of the guard, simply asking him to make and keep track of the guest list, and then make sure only invitees were within the 'party'. The head of the guard was one of the ones asked to look after Marshall the months ago, when he was injured. He only assumed it right to invite him. Gumball was a bit too busy attempting to keep the princess happy, to really keep watch over any of the preparations for the wedding. He only hoped that it would all come together, and that there wouldn't be much issue. The time passed and eventually it was the morning of the wedding. He still had a few hours, but currently he was locked up in his room. He paced the floor back and forth, attempting to get the feeling of existential dread to leave him. Now that the day was here he couldn't really help but question.. was this the right thing to do..? There really weren't any issues between the two kingdoms. In fact all was great between them. They traded and bartered back and forth. The people got along well, and the king had no quarrel against the prince at all. Their friendship was rather close, actually. Though, admittedly slightly closer now because of the wedding. There was a knock on the door, causing the prince to stop pacing and go to open it. "Yes?" He asked, earning a grin from the one at the door. Of course, it was the king. "Prince. You seem on edge. What's the matter..?" He asked. Gumball paused for a moment before speaking. "... truthfully I know this is a bit late... and too soon at the same time, But I need to speak to you..." he said before stepping aside to allow the king to enter the room. He felt it was necessary to do things right.
{POV change}
Marshall hadn't slept all day, contemplating going to the celebration. He wasn't sure if it were Gumball himself that had invited him or not, but he honestly started to think it would be a bit rude not to go. Though the feeling of dread that washed over him from seeing Gumball with someone... it was enough to knock the wind out of him. "... stop it Marshall. You haven't even seen him in months. He hasn't even attempted to talk to you... and for globs sake you're the flipping VAMPIRE KING. Get over yourself!" He half muttered in annoyance at how pathetic he was being. After anther hour or so of contemplation, he decided to just go and get it over with. He didn't want to be any more hated than necessary. He spent the last few hours getting dressed and making sure he didn't look completely sick, even if he hadn't been doing well. He sighed and once it was dark enough, he left the house in the cave, after grabbing the invitation, and headed towards the princes castle. He wasn't going to make himself overly known to be there, simply dropping his invitation to the guard and quickly 'sneaking' in so he wasn't seen by anyone. At least the guard knew he arrived. He had heard the explanation of where the wedding was to be held, and simply went to the large area, floating up to a dark corner of a high balcony, and just perching there for the ceremony. He figured if he was going to watch in pain, he'd rather do it alone. He had zoned out, not really having noticed that the ceremony had started, though something seemed to be up. He hadn't really cared what the commotion was about until he heard a voice nearby. "... I figured I'd find you up here." It was rather friendly, and instinctively made Marshall cringe, hoping he wasn't hallucinating. "... aren't you supposed to be down there..?" Marshall replied back rather quietly, his voice a bit hoarse even in the soft tone. Gumball chuckled quietly, though hid his concern rather carefully before replying. Marshall didn't seem himself at the moment. ".. no. Though if you watch, you'll see why.. I'm sure the princess isn't too happy about it, but I spoke to her father and even though he wasn't fond of the such short notice, or... rather late, technically... he agreed on a truce." He said calmly. Gumball had heard that Marshall had been invited, last minute. Truthfully he made the decision thinking that he wouldn't want to be with someone he wasn't interested in, and instead be alone... but as soon as he walked into that balcony and saw Marshall... something told him that his decision wouldn't be the worst. / Marshall hadn't replied at all in the time that it took for the king to walk through the crowd of people and up to the podium. There had been a stand there for a speech anyway, so he used that. Gumball leaned against the railing as the king started the speech, just listening to what he had to say. Marshall was a bit stunned as he listened, hearing that the wedding had a late-notice cancellation, and he proceeded to apologize to all of the guests. Though they were all free to enjoy themselves as they were free to hang around for the time as if it were a simple party or ball thrown by the castle. The princess didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, so it was only assumed that she was headed home in despair. "... so.." Marshall started, only to end up smirking slightly. "Looks like I came for nothing, hm?" He continued with a slight raspy chuckle. ".. no. You didn't come for nothing.." Gumball started. "... there's a reason you came, and it's not because I invited you.... because I didn't." Gumball said calmly. Marshall was a bit surprised to hear that Gumball hadn't invited him.... but he wasn't wrong. He did come here for a reason, even if he wasn't sure what that reason was. ".. and Marshall... I apologize for saying this so rudely.... but you look like shit." He said to the vampire boy. Marshall shot him a half-hearted glare but only sighed.. though he was half surprised he actually swore. ".. yeah.. I know. I sound like it too.." he admitted. ".. haven't really felt well recently.." he admitted. It wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't a lie either. Gumball nodded. "... I can also say I hadn't done very well recently... but I am sorry that you haven't been well.." he replied. Marshall didn't say anything. Gumball sighed. "I would appreciate it if you stayed after the party at least. There is something I wish to talk about, if you don't mind." He said calmly. Marshall only nodded. ".. alright." He murmured, wondering what it could be that the prince wanted to talk about.

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